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About Ruthless Capitalist Space Market Inc

Name: Ruthless Capitalist Space Market Inc
Allegiance: Independent

In-game name:
  • PCRuthless Capitalist Space Market inc [RCSM]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Godkingaizen
Members: 11
Supporters: 2
Squadron age: 591 days

Welcome to Ruthless Capitalist Space Market Inc.
Since fleet carriers entered the game, I have been working on this in game company. As of March 24th,3308 we have gone public.
While currently we are mostly focused on trade, we also do bgs contract work.
We ruthlessly pursue the Cr, we are a company for hire therefore we are a independent contractor company.
If you have work and need some hired help reach out to us.

Note: current active contracts take priority.

Any Cmdr new or veteran looking for cr and is willing to show results and we offer fair wage for the task at hand. But it's important that you all understand a proper paper trail makes sure you are paid properly.

super power, minor faction, who you are allied with doesn't matter here. It's about money

Each squadron who offers a contract to us and is accepted, will have a private client specific account.

Thank you for choosing Ruthless Capitalist Space Market for all of your contractor needs.

We are currently open to hiring subcontractors.