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About Society Of Greybeards

Name: Society Of Greybeards
Allegiance: Independent
Power: Arissa Lavigny-Duval
Language: English
Timezone: Central Time (US & Canada)

PvEPvPDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupFaction supporters

In-game name:
  • PCSociety Of Greybeards [SOGB]
  • PSSociety Of Greybeards [SOGB]
Once they were young, fearless, the pick of the Pilots Federation's new generation, hero's in the making.

Now they are greying, jaded, cynical, and sarcastic.
The years have been hard, the battles innumerable, the glory scant, the rewards paltry.

Watching the new generation grab glory and rewards unearned and out of proportion to their skill and time served, they have decided to take matters into their own hands, to make part of the galaxy their own, to take what they deserve by force if needed.

Dismissed as relics of a bygone age no one saw them coming, and when they came they mocked them as "grey beards".
They mock no more!

Reach out to us and say o7, ask us about joining!: SOGB welcome channel

Reach out to us for diplomacy here: SOGB diplomacy channel