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About Free Space Rangers

Name: Free Space Rangers
Allegiance: Independent
Language: Russian
Timezone: UTC

In-game name:
  • PCFree Space Rangers [UFSR]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Millitantcat
Members: 9
Supporters: 4
Squadron age: 2053 days

Headquarters: Omicron Capricorni B
Related minor faction: Free Space Rangers
* Free Space Rangers squadron offers all pilots an opportunity to join our ranks. Our main missions are the exploration of far space lines and studying the alien races and technologies;

* Free Space Rangers предлагает всем пилотам возможность пополнить наши ряды. Наши основные цели и задачи - исследование дальних рубежей космоса, изучение инопланетных технологий;

* Squadron's ID : UFSR;