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About Anime Space Industries

Name: Anime Space Industries
Allegiance: Empire
Power: Aisling Duval
Language: Russian
Timezone: Moscow

PvEPvPCQCRoleplayRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupSoloBounty huntersExplorersMentorsMinersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCAnime Space Industries [DESU]

Squadron Discord ︎


Anime Space Industries (ASI) - is not military commercial organization engaged in a variety of activites.

Among the main activities of the corporation can be distinguished animation, design, CGI, cinema, public relations, advertising, holding exhibitions, shows and other entertainment stuff.
Due to the successful commercial and entertainment activities,
ASI has a definite impact on society, media and government.

In order not to resort to the services of third parties for the transportation of employees, the purchase of necessary equipment, and similar things, the company has its own space fleet, and under the brand
ASI combines all the branches of the corporation in different systems.

ASI being in contact with the Empire, it maintains neutrality and avoids any open conflict with the Aliance and the Federation, taking advantage of the opportunity to visit their systems and freely engage in the activities of the company.
It is rumored that Aisling secretly sponsors the corporation, using it for its own purposes, including for propaganda and espionage, this information has not been confirmed.

Despite the importance of the "Bubble" for the company, many of its agents are exploring the galaxy, thanks to the reports of their on-board computers, documentary programs are created, some of the reports are even used for scientific work.
The corporation conducts only a peaceful policy, trying to negotiate in any conflict and make compromises, using its diplomatic skills.
If for some reason a company employee is attacked or killed, the company uses the services of the authorities, allies, or mercenaries, depending on how legitimate the justice is. Giving away dirty work to third parties, the corporation retains its image.


Мы будем рады принять новых сотрудников в свои ряды. На данный момент, основным занятием корпорации является исследовательская деятельность, пожалуйста, при подаче заявки, напишите пару слов о себе, что бы вы хотели получить от компании и вашу основную деятельность в элите. Надеемся на взаимовыгодное сотрудничество, десу.