About Inara Dojo
Name: Inara Dojo
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Prague
In-game name:
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Prague
PvECQCRoleplayRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedOpenPrivate groupSoloAnti-xeno activistsBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMinersHumanitarian aid providersTraders
In-game name:
- PCInara Dojo [DOJO]
Squadron commander: Artie
Members: 10
Supporters: 136
Squadron age: 3534 days
Headquarters: Inara [Citi Gateway]
Related minor faction: Inara Nexus
Members: 10
Supporters: 136
Squadron age: 3534 days
Headquarters: Inara [Citi Gateway]
Related minor faction: Inara Nexus
In coalition with:
Order Of The Far GodSpace PoultryPraetorian[44th] Vulture SyndicateFreedom GalaxyIntragalactic Scientific Organization227TH Deep Space RegimentA.C.E. ExplorationDevenport CorporationWild Raging Snails CommandoGALACTIC 911Union of Non-Aggressive PilotsAlto Comando Flotta StellareCCCP-2061Titans Of GalaxiasClose Encounters CorpsSolaris Xeno-Psychology GroupZeroStarCORVUS CORPORATIONDefensive Traders AllianceThe Sons of RagnarokIntergalactic Astronomical UnionPixel Bandits Security ForceFirst Imperial Fleet [1iF]Anime Space IndustriesLIKEDEELER [LoMaC]Tethys CrewAzul Corporation´s WingCHIMERABlack Rebellion Empire WingIcarus InterstellarGuardians of Harmony