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About Evil Squadron

Name: Evil Squadron
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC

PvEPvPRelaxed/casualPrivate groupAnti-xeno activistsBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersPower supportersTraders

In-game name:
  • XBEvil Squadron [EVIL]

Squadron Discord ︎
The beginnings of The Elite Voyagers Intrepid League, commonly referred to as EVIL, can be traced back to three Commanders in the days before the Pilots Federation officially acknowledged squadrons in 3304. Cmdr Lutzie, Cmdr SteviL and Cmdr JohnKF worked together in their T9s to haul vast amounts of commodities around the galaxy quickly amassing wealth and knowledge. From this team work Cmdr SteviL coined the term “one wing economy” and an Ethos was born; Support one another, Respect others, and Always have a good time.

In the executing of this ethos it didn’t take long for other commanders to take notice and request to join the squadron. It is believed that CMDR x10K Tat 1664x (aka, Tats) was the first to join after a friendly encounter with CMDR SteviL and CMDR Lutzie teamed up with CMDR Maeslen at the start of the Distant Worlds 2 Expedition providing defence duties at the launch point.

Further along 2 other key CMDRs joined. After striking up friendships on the social networks CMDR SteviL was able to reel in CMDR JustHillo66 and CMDR Lutzie found a wondering soul in need of a home in CMDR Diablere00070.

These are “The Admirals” that steer the ship. Their reputation for friendly encounters and generosity of knowledge attracted a number of other commanders and membership started to grow.

EVIL is a home for all. The Young to the ancient, the new commanders fresh from the Pilots Federation licensing office to the old grizzled sipping his last Lavian Brandi from their Hutton Mug. Participate at you’re leisure or go it alone. There are no requirements except that of the Ethos.

By the end of 3305 membership swelled to over 35 members and and counting, with all the specialties covered. Experts could be found in Trade, Combat, Exploration, Anti-Xeno, Scienceing, and, of course, Tom-foolery.

Their reputation spreading throughout the galaxy, a large number of people in (system name) system started applying “The Ethos of EVIL” in their lives and soon called for the Faction of EVIL to be recognized. The goal of the faction isn’t to command and conquer but instead to assist and inspire, driven by the realization that, for one to prosper, all must prosper.

We’ll be seeing you, and probably running into you, in the black.

obloody7 Commanders!