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About Sagittarius Eye

Name: Sagittarius Eye
Allegiance: Independent

In-game name:
  • PCSagittarius Eye [SAGI]

Squadron Discord ︎
Squadron commander: Punkydrummer01
Members: 5
Supporters: 19
Squadron age: 1719 days

Headquarters: Millese [The Printworks]
Related minor faction: Sagittarius Eye
Sagittarius Eye is the Galaxy's leading independent media group. Creators of the quarterly online magazine, videos, podcasts and Breaking News - by commanders, for commanders.

For most of our existence, Sagittarius Eye was based out of fairly rudimentary rented offices in a peripheral concourse of Lave Station. From there, the growing team wrote articles, designed the magazine and created our popular video bulletins.

In September of 3304, disaster struck. A group of agitators calling themselves the Alchemy Den chose our office as the target of a politically-motivated attack designed to raise awareness of the incipient Thargoid threat to the core worlds of the Bubble.

The political validity of such an attack aside, the office was devastated — and one long-serving reporter was lost. The magazine’s partners, the SPVFA photography group, kindly lent us a Lakon Type-10 Defender, into which we moved what was left of our equipment.

Months later, in January 3305, the team received a piece of good news: a lease had finally been secured for SAGI on a new office building in McMullen Ring, Millese. After some success over the previous months, we drew upon our increased resources to set up a security and operations wing to support our journalism and prevent an attack of that nature again.

On the 6th of June 3305 we launched our Community Goal to establish The Print Works in Millese. This new asteroid base would act as both a centre of operations for our faction and as a printing shop for the magazine itself. We received a massive amount of support from the galactic community, clearing the second tier of requirements on the first day alone.

If you’d like to apply to join our operations team and protect independent journalism in the Bubble, drop in to our online office.