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About Radiant Ruby Control Cooperative

Name: Radiant Ruby Control Cooperative
Allegiance: Independent
Power: Li Yong-Rui
Language: English
Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)

PvERoleplayRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupSoloAnti-xeno activistsBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMentorsMinersHumanitarian aid providersPower supportersTraders

In-game name:
  • PCRadiant Ruby Control Cooperative [R2C2]

Squadron Discord ︎
Radiant Ruby Control Cooperative is an easy-going squadron looking to share information and help new pilots with navigating Elite:Dangerous' initial steep leaning curve - and help Cmdrs who so far may have favored only one aspect or play style - develop into multi-disciplinary skilled commanders who can safely and confidently navigate the E:D Galaxy and forge their own destiny...

While many of our group are focused on exploration - but it doesn't hurt to have balanced skills on trade, ship-building and outfitting, engineering, mining - and yes - even some combat...However we will not be actively engaging in PvP (player vs player) activities - but Bounty Hunting and non-player Combat in CZ and RES sites is fair game (and necessary to advance some branches of the engineering tree)

R2C2 was established it's PMF in the Khwar system...(Refinery / Extraction - come visit our pristine, icy ring! Khwar is also a "gold" system: every surface raw material is available - stop by Khwar B 3 a to fill up on Tellurium for your FSD V1 Engineering!) We have now (Jan 2024) expanded into 24 systems and control 7 - and offer 'three stop shopping' to Cmdrs looking for Material Traders to optimize their engineering supplies: Scully-Powers Station / Ix (Encoded _ Guardian Tech); Fadlan Enterprise / Piriti (Manufactured); Gilliland Station / Ross 342 (Raw)

As a small - to - medium squadron - we are not looking for major regional gains - just a quiet place to operate out of.....Glad to discuss coalitions!

Please visit our R2C2 Squadron Discord server - to chat with our team and see how we can help you develop..
R2C2 Discord

We are also developing an informational website to complement our Discord with more media-rich information - and for those more comfortable with browser navigation and bookmarking etc - over Discord:
R2C2 Website