Summary of Squadron Affairs 03/3310 (March)
EFRC is in the process of recruiting PC Cmdrs and conducting shaping operations to set the conditions for the success of our member Cmdrs to achieve their personal goals and set the minor faction ready for prosperous gaming activities across a wide spectrum of gameplay loops.KEY EVENTS
EFRC Cmdrs bare arms with Cmdrs from across the bubble culminating in the landslide defeat of Titan’s Taranis and Leigong.
EFRC Cmdrs conduct shaping operations in order to set the conditions for the next major Titan Offensive against Titan Oya and its surrounding systems.
EFRC support BSL1/Dark Wheel in a number of their BGS wartime operations and formalise the coalition between the 2 factions.
EFRC Cmdrs conduct BGS stability operations for the minor faction.
Friendly takeover of LHS 54 the squadron originator System.
EFRC conduct Research of Titan Debris field in order to assist in the production of an upgraded FSD.