Name: Elite Fleet Republican Consortium
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: London
Members: 8

Related minor faction: Elite Fleet Republican Consortium
Supported minor faction: Elite Fleet Republican Consortium

In-game name:
  • PCElite Fleet Republican Consortium [EFRC]
View details

About Elite Fleet Republican Consortium

o7 Cmdrs

Welcome to the PC home of EFRC the Elite Fleet Republic Consortium, twinned with “The Elite Fleet” TEF1 on PlayStation. We have no affiliation with US politics. The minor faction and related Playstation Squadron have been my home in Elite for several years.

Squadron History

The Elite Fleet is a long running squadron of dedicated Cmdrs from around the world on Playstation. It is characterised by a vibrant, competitive and resiliant community, consisting of like minded Cmdrs all pulling together, often against the odds to expediate both young and seasoned Cmdrs progression into desired play styles/gameplay loops and achieving individual and shared goals.

I discovered Elite during the start of the Covid Pandemic whilst aimlessly scrolling through Youtube during Lockdown. I joined the game on playstation and was adopted early on while still in a sidewinder by a friendly officer of The Elite Fleet, things had just started moving with the Squadrons BGS and the Squadron was newly granted a minor faction. After much struggle the faction took over its home system by completing a series of Wars and elections which we strongly suspect were contested by other platform Cmdrs. From there the EFRC Minor Faction began to slowly and carefully expand its influence throughout the galaxy of Elite.

The TEF1 squad tag became a common sight around the bubble and beyond on Playstation. The Elite Fleet once established in our home system quickly began forging alliances with other friendly squadrons and some competetive rivalries with those who just want to see the world burn. Being one of the larger Playstation communities EFRC BGS space became the target of numerous PVP incursions which despite that not being the squadrons background we were often able to repel by rallying together our own cmdrs and some very skilled members of other friendly squadrons to put up a robust defence and drive out marauding PVP raiders.

The Elite Fleet has gone from strength to strength and is consistantly in the top 10's on the leaderboards in legacy. The squadron is active enough to warrant a structured rank system with more active and experienced Cmdrs being placed in positions of authority/council and taking a lead in specified areas such as Anti Xeno Operations, PVP, BGS etc. This is something I intend to carry forward once EFRC is more established on Odyssey.

At the end of 3309 I Cmdr Findos came into possession of a pretty nifty contraption (a lovely pc and some flight sticks) that allowed me to leave the Legacy Universe for the first time and enter the live Galaxy to begin rebuilding what was left of the Minor faction since the Legacy/Live Galaxy split after the events of HIP 22460. I returned to a shattered bubble in early December 3309 (2023) with our faction present in less than 1/4 of the systems we control in the Legacy Galaxy and what was left was little more than the burning remnants of a once carefully tended Sovereign Nation.

Filled with resolve I aim to rebuild the Squadron in Odyssey under the new tag of EFRC to its console sister squadrons ongoing glory and restore the Minor Faction. Completely overwhelmed in our original home system I set to work in the 2nd system we were present in. Slogging it out mostly alone in less than 4 weeks I turned the tide and we now have a shiny new Head Quarters and system to call home back under control of the EFRC Minor Faction.


EFRC is in the process of recruiting PC Cmdrs and conducting shaping operations to set the conditions for the success of our member Cmdrs to achieve their personal goals and set the minor faction ready for prosperous gaming activities across a wide spectrum of gameplay loops.



EFRC Cmdrs assist in research projects allowing the hasty development of the new guardian hybrid nanite torpedo.
EFRC Cmdrs assist in research project to develop an improved FSD.
EFRC Cmdrs bare arms with Cmdrs from across the bubble culminating in the landslide defeats of Titans Taranis and Leigong.
EFRC Cmdrs begin training for future assistance to AX operations of various shapes and sizes.
EFRC Cmdrs conduct shaping operations in order to set the conditions for the next major Titan Offensive against Titan Oya in surrounding systems.


Friendly takeover of LHS 54 the squadron originator System.
Shaping operations to prepare for EFRC BGS takeover of landable assets within EFRC BGS Space.


CO - Cmdr Findos

Squadron Leader - 1
Enforcer - 4
Wing mate - 12
Cadet - 3


Cmdr Findos - [EFRC] ops base

- EFRC BGS Space in support of cmdrs conducting BGS tasks.
- Shuttle/cargo service in support of Community Goals.
- Various Systems in Support of Dark Wheel operations.

A number of other FC's compliment the Squadrons ability to extend our Reach offering a wealth of services.


EFRC Player Squadron is the military wing of the Elite Fleet Republican Consortium minor faction. We strive to better the day to day lives of our NPC population and more importantly the most valuable currency a squadron can have, our player Cmdrs in the Elite Universe by conducting a myriad of operations that benefit the Minor faction, members of EFRC Squadron and Humanity as a whole.


Cmdrs of EFRC Squadron benefit from a wealth of resources. With a fully operational Fleet carrier at my disposal and a fleet of ships at my beck and call Wing/Team Missions are completed efficiently and shared regularly (Rewards always include credits but more often than not valuable engineering materials and commodities.) With a growing roster of Squadron member Cmdrs in game the Squadron's future is looking bright! Armed with over 2000 hours in game and knowledge that can only be gained by sitting in the Cmdrs seat making the long journeys, taking on board the lessons of the victories and losses, mistakes, grinds and being there, getting the T Shirt and living to tell the tale EFRC will prevail with her valued Cmdrs having more than a pocket full of creds and a few engineering materials but a sense of pride and belonging within the squadron!


The Elite Fleet has always been about taking care of its Cmdrs and Community wherever and however possible, this continues in Odyssey in the new chapter of the squadrons life!
I aim to re build the minor factions standing in BGS space here on Odyssey whilst forming alliances with neighbouring squadrons fostering friendly relations with other player groups and mentoring new Cmdrs here on PC.

EFRC always has been and always will be a good home for lawful Cmdrs.

Fly Dangerously Cmdrs
See you in the Black
Cmdr Findos out.

Squadron missions

EFRC is Recruiting in Odyssey!
Mission type: Internal

Latest squadron members

Yenna OrisElite VPC
IstvaanDCIVElite VPC
SpecTacElite IIPC
Fester VomitElite IIIPC
FindosElite IIPC
View roster