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Welcome to Elite Outlaws-

This little walkthrough will give you the information you need to be Enlisted and Eligible for Prizes offered through Elite Outlaw Competitions. Without being Enlisted you will not be able to recieve any prizes or access certain parts of the Elite Outlaw's Faction and Pages.

Firstly Facebook Enlisting

The Group

Our Facebook Group is a broad Elite Dangerous Community. We keep lose but focused moderation on topics as well as a friendly (if a bit rough) atmosphere. Here you can find Ranking Admin sharing Faction News to the feed as well as Elite Outlaws posting about the game and life in general. This forum is not always on topic and is a general Open Forum for Outlaws. Its your first stop on getting Enlisted.

1 - How long have you been playing Elite Dangerous? This will give us an idea of where you stand in game and what we might be able to immediately assist with, ergo ship progression, credits and assets, or game mechanics. We are always willing to teach and educate those who need a hand.

1 - What is Your CMDR name, the name you use when playing Elite Dangerous. We need this information inorder to add you to our roster as well as send or recieve an invite to the Private Group and get connected with all the Outlaws out there.

2 - Have you joined the Inara Wing? If yes then an admin will approve shortly, if not an admin will be contacting you with out Inara Page URL so we can get you fully enlisted right from the start. There is a chance the Inara Page will be down, so this may be something you have to return to!

The Page

This is not mandatory but HIGHLY suggested, following the Elite Outlaws Page. This Page will Host all events, as well as be the New's Forum for Elite Outlaws. This page is controlled by Ranking Outlaws and will only post information directly relating to Elite Dangreous and the Outlaws focus in game as well as various sign-up lists for competitions and missions.

Simply Follow the Page to recieve updates and check in every so often to ensure you haven't missed anything.

Next is Inara

Inara is a Elite Thrid Party Website that is excellent to use for finding nearly anything in game as well as keeping a complete CMDR LOGBOOK. It can track your fleet, assets, and mission involvement. We use this site to track Rank, Faction Status, and much more in Game. Joining is a must.

1 - Make an Inara Account. Follow the steps provided by Inara to connect your Elite Dangerous to the Website. Go through and set up your profile. This information may be used by our Role-Players in their own stories, by the group for random prize selection or more. Its very cohesive to the group to have a fully setup Inara Page.

2 - Sign up with Elite Outlaws on Inara. This will begin your two week timer to gain your first Rank. Most Ranks on Elite Outlaws Inara are merely Titles and Focus's and not to be taken as a true Ranking which designates power. Directives such as those will be handled by obviously Ranking Officials or the Admin Team directly.

3 - Instal EDMarket Connector. This is a API that lets Inara tick, it helps you keep track of engineering goods, locations, missions, etc. It is a powerful backgroup API that is both secure and hardly noticeable. At this point you may chose to set up EDSM, EDDB, EDDI, TradeComputer Exterder MK. II, or many other mods some that need not be on PC. Many of our veteran members will be able to assist with this as well.

Lastly Enlist Discord

Discord is our Direct Faction Forum, here you will typically find Outlaws in-game, playing other games, or sharing things more directly related to Elite as well as our Advanced Forums which allow you to seperate conversations into specific topics such as Active Missions, Searching for Wing, Science, Military, etc...

1 - Use the Discord Perma-link on the Facebook Page to join our Discord Server. Here you can chat with Outlaws, find Faction News, request to join the Private Group, and get connected with our Wing Coallition Members.

2 - Request a focus or remain an Elite Outlaw. Our faction has several options to choose from for involvement. Ranging from Combat to BGS and occasional Non-Player Piracy. Inorder to recieve specific updates you may choose a focus, or remain an Elite Outlaw and receive our weekly mission Updates.

3 - Setup Push-to-Talk, we request all members use PTT in voice channels to keep communication clear. As well you may find some channels "rougher" than others, we are a broad group with characters ranging from sim-play to rough-humour streamers. If a channel doesn't suit you please try another and please respect Streamer Channels when you come through.

Congrats, once this is complete you are now a Enlisted Elite Outlaw, eligible for prizes and access to basic Outlaw assets and assistance in-game.
