2. Glossary of Terms
- 07 – o7 - <o - <0 = salute
- AFMU – Automatic Field Maintenance Unit
- AspX – Asp Explorer (ship)
- Beagle Point – Point at the opposite side of the galaxy to Sol
- BGS – BackGround Simulation
- c – the speed of light
- Conda – Anaconda (ship)
- CMDR - Commander
- Commodities – goods that can be traded for credits
- CZ – Conflict Zone
- DBX – Diamondback Explorer (ship)
- DBS – Diamondback Scout (ship)
- DSS – Detailed Surface Scanner
- Engineering – modification of ship modules to change their stats
- Engineer – NPC who can perform modifications to modules (see Engineering)
- FAon / FAoff - Flight Assist on/off - (default on) utility which makes flying easier, but less Newtonian
- FAS – Federal Assault Ship
- FDL – Fer De Lance (ship)
- FSD – Frame Shift Drive
- FSS – Full Spectrum Scanner
- Fuel Scoop – both the action of re-fuelling from a star and the equipment for doing so
- G1/G2.../G5 – Grade 1-5 (may refer to either engineering materials or engineering upgrades)
- HighRES – High Resource Extraction Site – bounty hunting location
- HazRES – Hazardous Resource Extraction Site – bounty hunting location
- Honk – Discovery Scan (refers to the noise the scanner makes)
- Hyperspace / witchspace - what you’re in when you jump between star systems
- Interdict – method of intercepting a ship in supercruise
- Ly – Light Years (distance)
- Ls – Light Seconds (distance of 300,000km or 300Mm)
- Mm – Mega meter (distance of 1000km)
- Mail-slot – the entrance to large starports
- Materials – used for engineering and synthesis
- NPC – Non-Player Character
- PA – Plasma Accelerator
- Pip – a unit of power in the distributor
- PMF – Player Minor Faction
- PP – PowerPlay
- PvE – Player Vs Environment (fighting against NPC opponents)
- PvP – Player Vs Player (fighting against human opponents)
- Rebuy - the insurance cost of your ship (how much it costs you to re-buy it if it blows up).
- Sagittarius A – the black hole at the centre of the galaxy
- Sagittarius Eye – A player made magazine
- SC - Supercruise
- SCB – Shield Cell Bank - a module which renews your shields
- SLF – Ship Launched Fighter
- SRV – Surface Reconnaissance Vehicle
- Supercruise – the means of travelling around star systems at high speed (Mm or Ls per second)
- USS – Unidentified Signal Source
- Wake - the mark left when a ship engages its FSD. Can be a High Wake (ship jumping to another system) or Low Wake (ship going to supercruise)
- Wanted – the pilot has committed crimes and has a bounty
- Wing - a group of up to four ships flying together.