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3. Useful Links

Useful Websites and Tools

Elite is a complex game, and unfortunately, the in-game tools for finding an awful lot of things are... somewhat limited. Fortunately, Elite is also a game with an incredible community who go out of their way to build tools to help others play the game. As a result there are a wealth of online tools to help you master the game. Here is a rundown of the most important tools, and what they are used for.

Vital Stuff

Without a doubt THE single most useful Elite resource. Want information about our in-game faction? About what engineers do what? What stations offer what services? Looking for a place to sell those mined goods? Want to see the latest from GalNet? INARA has all this and more. A really key resource for Elite players. Create an account and sign up to our squadron here too.


EDDB - (Elite Dangerous DataBase)

Often the fastest and easiest way to find ships or modules that you are looking for, not only that but it will swiftly tell you where you can buy those items and if you can buy them in a system controlled by Li Yong-Rui for that sweet 15% discount. Beyond that it will also allow you to rapidly find the best trade routes in the galaxy. Want to buy specific commodities? Looking for a system in a particular state or a particular type of stellar body? EDDB does all of this and is quick and easy to use.

Ship Design

The ultimate tool for planning out your ship builds. Coriolis allows you to test out ever different combination of modules and weapons that your heart desires, gives you all the stats you could want, tells you how much it will cost, how many engineering materials you will need to get there.


ED Shipyard
ED Shipyard is often maligned for not being as easy to use as Coriolis, but other people swear by it as the better tool. It's also worth noting that there are some areas such as heat mechanics where EDSY is actually more accurate. As such it remains a very valuable tool

ED Shipyard


Spansh is a route plotter for traversing the galaxy. You can use it to work out the best way to get across the galaxy using Neutron Stars, or maximise the money you make exploring known regions, or helping you plot your fleet carrier journey efficiently.

ED StarMap
A fantastic website offering a huge amount of information on the Galaxy.
ED Starmap

ED Astrometrics
Ever wondered where in the galaxy everyone is, or what places haven't been explored? The Astrometrics website provides maps of the galaxy showing everything we know about the galaxy through a lot of different lenses.
ED Astrometrics

ED Miner
With the importance of mining to the galactic economy these days this tool has become extremely valuable. It will help you find what you want to mine, and sell it for a good price.
ED Miner

Tools and Plugins

Elite Dangerous Discovery
A fantastically useful logging tool which provides an array of useful information and links to sites like INARA to keep your Cmdr profile there continuously updated (this helps as it allows you to use INARA's features to keep track of where you have been and what you have.

It also keep INARA's information up to date with regards to markets etc, which helps keep trade routes viable and up to date.
ED Discovery

ED Market Connector (EDMC)
A nice little api to log information to INARA, EDDB and many other plugins/websites. Can be placed over Elites window and be set as transparent.  This page will teach you how to install/set up and add other plugins.


Frontier Forums
A great place to keep an eye on for the latest news about the game, and take part in the endless discussion of whatever is going on at the moment.
Frontier Forums (Elite)

ED Subreddit
Another fantastic community resource, with an enormous amount of information and opinions available.
Elite Reddit