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Tools - EDMC

Elite Dangerous Market Connector (EDMC) is a lightweight app that is used to update local system and market data, as well as sending commander data to Inara and other sites.

To install the app, go to the EDMC GitHub and download the latest Windows build of the app. Install the app, you will need to agree to install it.

Once you have the app open, go the the settings, then follow the below.

Make sure everything is unchecked from the Output tab, otherwise you will build up files on your computer.

Check the first two boxes in the EDDN tab, to send system and station data to EDDN. Uncheck the delay sending box.

On the Inara tab, ensure the box is checked, and include your Inara API key, found here.

On the Configuration tab, we recommend setting the preferred websites to use Coriolis for the shipyard, and EDDB for the system and station.

Once configured, just run EDMC when you start Elite Dangerous, and it will run in the background, automatically updating as you fly. If you wish, there are further configuration options that can change the appearance, set transparency, and set it to always be on top.