Name: Pilots Reunion Corp
Allegiance: Independent
Power: Li Yong-Rui
Language: English
Timezone: Rome
Members: 2

In-game name:
  • PCPilots Reunion Corp [PLRC]
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About Pilots Reunion Corp

Technology is becoming more advanced with time, tech progress allows us to travel further in space so we can discover new forms of flora, minerals and natural works. This doesn't mean colonization, destroying what nature gave us is a crime and must be punished.
That's why we need Li Yong-Rui's help, humanity should exist, but we are doing everything to destroy ourselves. We don't support wars against powers, superpowers, factions or any other kind of organization, we might defend mankind from other alien species or other threats instead.
Engineering and tech must be available to anybody who wants to discover, defend or develop and cannot afford it. PLRC's target is to evolve humanity and obviously the commander itself, in order to fulfill peaceful and defensive acts.
Our usual activities are:
  • PvP (Antiganking),
  • Anti-Xeno Combat,
  • Exploration,
  • In-bubble and out-bubble group expeditions,
  • Mentoring.

If you are interested in joining us, check out our Discord server and Inara squadron page, if not, don't worry, we will never declare war on you.
Fly safely CMDR and don't forget to stop at traffic lights in space!

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