Name: Allied Tactical Support Division
Allegiance: Alliance
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 15

Related minor faction: Applied Science Investments

In-game name:
  • PCAllied Tactical Support Division [ATSD]
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About Allied Tactical Support Division

ATSD – Allied Tactical Support Division is a fairly new Squadron with big plans for growth. We are recruiting and are welcoming all CMDRS from all backgrounds to join. Be part of our growth plan and play your part in the expansion and support of our squadron and parent faction.

Situated on the fringe of the bubble we are based at the system of Dao. Our current interests lie heavily with Applied Science Investments. A lucrative and growing science research outfit with a substantial drilling network that benefits largely from metals and mineral production and manufacture.

We predominantly play in open (where possible) with a focus on BGS as well as all other aspects of Elite to make you and the squadron great.

We also hold weekly events where anyone can join in. This could be Group Material Gathering, Mining Events, Winged Massacre Missions or just a bit of Friendly organised PVP action... if you fancy your chances against our best pilots!?

There are plenty of opportunities, ranks, and roles to grow into depending on your play style, play time, and contribution. From Recruit, Wingman all the way up to Operations Officer where you are responsible for monitoring the factions goals and making sure they are on track. They are fully engaged in the decision-making process and monitoring the progress of commanders ranked below them.

Operations Officers will also be responsible for a Carrier Wing - this is a group of Commanders assigned to a base carrier group. At times of need, a Carrier Wing will be assigned specific tasks and it is for the Operations Officer in command to carry out the mission as they see fit. On promotion Ops Officers will receive sufficient funds to purchase a carrier if they do not already own one.

This Squadron is ideal for any CMDR who is looking to be part of a friendly, engaging and interactive playing experience and be part of a growing initiative that you can feel YOUR contribution matters.

And have a good old laugh at the same time….

Contact our discord for more info.

Latest squadron members

Dimi1010Elite IPC
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