Name: League of Independent Commanders
Allegiance: Independent
Members: 1

In-game name:
  • PCLeague of Independent Commanders [LOIC]
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About League of Independent Commanders

Not affiliated to any of the "big three"? Looking for a system and station to call home? Want to do things your own way?

Looking to start a player group leading to a PMF, then claim a system of our very own. Don't care what platform you're on, your timezone or playstyle. It's all just bums on seats. No flashy stuff, no logos (unless you fancy designing one) or discord channels (unless you want to start one), no mission statement. Lets get together and plant our flag. We'll make the rest up as we go along.

Sign up and join the squadron "League of Independent Commanders" [LOIC]. You know it makes sense.

Err...... That's it, really.

Hurry up - empty starter systems are going fast.

Latest squadron members

Stabby DaveElite IVPC
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