Name: Deep Core Mining Inc.
Allegiance: Federation
Language: English
Timezone: Brussels
Members: 4

In-game name:
  • PCDeep Core Mining Inc. [DCMI]
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About Deep Core Mining Inc.

Deep Core Mining Incorporated was founded on 20 March 3309 by two brothers, James and Tom Bailey. While the name may sound big, this is in fact a small, start - up family company. The corporation is aligned with the Federation and has a strong anti-piracy attitude (pirates were responsible for the death of both parents of DCM founders).

DCM is currently recruiting, trying to extend both the scope and volume of its operations. The main focus is on mining, but building up security, reconnaissance and special operations detachments are envisaged.


What makes us different than many other squadrons out there is that we are very dedicated to RP, interactions between the commanders and storylines behind them. We prefer to play with voice comms and use the possibility given by the Odyssey add-on to discuss plans and operations in person onboard space stations and settlements. We are looking for like-minded players and hope to welcome you among our ranks!

Latest squadron members

Blasius HaydukPathfinderPC
James M. BaileyBrokerPC
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