Name: Revenant Centauri
Allegiance: Empire
Language: English
Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Members: 2

Related minor faction: Facece Empire Party
Supported minor faction: Facece Empire Party

In-game name:
  • PCRevenant Centauri [RECE]
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About Revenant Centauri

Greetings, Commanders!

Allow me to introduce you to Revenant Centauri, a squadron forged in the crucible of the cosmos. Our journey began in April 2024, when a close-knit circle of friends decided to embark on an odyssey that transcends the galaxy.

Revenant Centauri is more than a squadron; it’s a celestial brotherhood. Our purpose? To revel in the thrill of spacefaring, to dance with the constellations, and to etch our legacy across the galactic tapestry.

Our Guiding Stars:​

Unity in the Void:
Whether you’re a seasoned pilot or a fledgling stargazer, we stand united. Combat sorties, interstellar trade, mining expeditions, or shipbuilding endeavors—we’ve got your back.

The Ripple Effect: Our ethos echoes through the cosmic winds: “as one gives, one receives.” We lift each other higher, knowing that a rising tide lifts all ships. Allies, comrades, and fellow wanderers—our hands are extended to all.

Kindness Constellated: With the helpful hands of our members, we weave a fabric of compassion. Acts of goodwill ripple across light-years, leaving trails of stardust in their wake.

Our Galactic Nexus:​
Facece, bathed in the golden glow of the Empire, cradles our home. Here, amidst impressive stations and boundless opportunities, we chart our course. Missions unfurl like cosmic scrolls, waiting for intrepid souls to inscribe their names upon them.

Join the Cosmic Symphony:​
Are you drawn to the uncharted? Do you yearn to shape the destiny of a fledgling squadron? Then reach out to us, for Revenant Centauri awaits its next stellar luminary.

Together, we’ll script the saga of the stars.
Fly true, Commanders.

Latest squadron members

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