Name: Elite Australis
Allegiance: Empire
Power: Aisling Duval
Language: English
Timezone: Melbourne
Members: 1

Related minor faction: Infinity Australis

In-game name:
  • PCElite Australis [XAU9]
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About Elite Australis

We are Elite Australis!

YEAR 3270:

From our ancient homeland of Australia we ventured; seeking out new light and wisdom for our people. We traversed the Australis star systems to find our path. At first it was bliss, our people were beginning to strive and innovate for a better life. However, the worldly issues we had striven to leave behind caught up to us. The Federation in its arrogance left our home to wither and rot due to their "Democracy and Freedom." Promising our people a hollow life under their rules. In desperation, our young wayward explorers attempted to reignite their will to resist as their ancestors did so many generations ago. Unfortunately facing the might of the Federal 7th fleet beside the superpower that leashed them. An impossible decision was made..... An evacuation order was issued to the population, "rendezvous with the Dredger ship for immediate evacuation."
A wing of miners, transports and mercenary vessels bravely held the lines against a force so overwhelming that their death was certain. As the evacuation was coming to its conclusion, civilians onboard the Dredger watched as their comrades fought with ferocity and meaning, eventually their burning hulls were the last they saw as their carrier descended into the void of Witch Space.

YEAR 3308:

38 years have passed and the Australis colony have rebuilt what they lost all those years ago

After abandoning the "graceful hand" of the Federation, they were declared outcasts and enemies in all their territories and space. Any stations they came across regarded the Dredger as a bad omen and they were passed along like cattle. Finally after years of hardship, scrounging and secrecy the drifting souls of Australis found a new home in the system GCRV 61007 under the protective hand of the Empire. Rumour of their resistance against the Federation and survival onboard a failing Dredger spread amongst the imperial citizens, garnering sympathy and respect for the people of Australis. A welcome so warm and inviting the now wary Australis populace found themselves overwhelmed. Finally, as they set foot on a station for the first time in 34 years, they knew their pilgrimage was at an end. They were home.

Infinity Australis, Rooted from the ancient earth country Australia. Like their southern ancestors, they sought new beginnings and headed for the Australis star systems. Their goal was to seek out a better and richer life for their people. To do so, they set out to obtain the knowledge of becoming infinitely intertwined with the cosmos. Whilst their journey is still ongoing, Infinity Australis values the safety of its people. They turned away from the Federation after facing major corruption. Now fighting alongside the empire, and taking down those who do not conform to a universe of greater peace, whilst highly reward those who do.

Our aim is for genuine gameplay by respecting all players and other squadrons in game. Elite Australis has zero tolerance to "Ganking and Griefing"
Any law breaking activities will be seen as traitorous and is good grounds for ex-communication and expulsion.
Upholding peaceful activities within controlled systems is our large focus while growing our economic and defensive strengths.

Please visit our squadron site to know more.

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