Name: Heaven's Judgment
Allegiance: Empire
Power: Aisling Duval
Language: English
Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Members: 11

Related minor faction: Heaven's Judgment

In-game name:
  • PCHeaven's Judgment [HJHF]
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About Heaven's Judgment

We are Heaven's Judgment Squadron/PMF We aim to not only be a family to our squadron members and cordial Commanders to those we meet in the black, but we also aim to be mentors to those who are new to the galactic plane, a friend to those lost, and an ally to those in need. If you are looking for a group who can not only teach you a few things, but can learn a few things from you, keep us in mind. While Inara only shows us as a medium-sized Squadron with only 12 members that number within the squadron is actually doubled (not everyone wants to be on Inara) If you're looking for a home and family in the ED Universe we humbly ask you to join ours, Simply submit an IN-Game Application to HJHF And one of our Leadership will Review and most likely approve at the earliest opportunity.

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