Name: G.O.M. Collective
Allegiance: Empire
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 173

Related minor faction: G.O.M. Collective

In-game name:
  • PCG.O.M. Collective [GOMC]
  • PSG.O.M. Collective [GOMC]
  • PCLight Horse Brigade [LHBD]
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About G.O.M. Collective

 Greetings, CMDR. You're cruising one of the older squadrons in "The Bubble". We are a group of experienced pilots, proud of our honest work in expanding our influence. We hold a deep abiding passion for studies on the Background Simulation (or "BGS") and apply ourselves daily to its operations. Interest in the BGS is encouraged in applicants. Power independent. Commanders are free to support whatever Power they wish, but as a Squadron we do not take part in any Power Play activities and there is no requirement for any commander to do so unless they wish too. All pilots from "Mostly Harmless" to "Elite". Miners, Explorers, Warriors, (consensual) PvP, PvE, Thargoid Hunters and Entrepreneurs are all welcome and will find good honest company with skilled pilots happy to share their training with others here.

A bit about honesty - Cheats, Hacks and Griefs are not tolerated in our merry little band of bruisers. Easily spotted by our grumpy old skilled hard working highly experienced pilots, offenders can expect ejection from our group on sight. Read up on our charter and fly safe.

Would you like to join the G.O.M. Collective?
Common in-game squadron identity: GOMC - ( in-game search = GOM Collective )
Prior INARA application acceptance here required for squadron application approval.
We have a few basic requirements for membership.

We utilize INARA almost exclusively for squadron organization and daily communications. Discord is used, but many of our more stodgy older pilots use it only for in-wing chat during active operations. In-game features for chat and squadron management exist but are ineffective for groups involving themselves with daily BGS tasking. So It's best to be active with Inara if you want to hook up with our core daily operations.

You will need to have an active, up-to-date and accessible profile logs for reviewing your application on INARA.  Plugin data-link apps can be a real help.
- We recommend ED Market Connector > Link HERE < - INARA also has an "Import" function to use as well.

This uploads your ED data to INARA, automatically updating your location, credit balance, ship information, and inventory. Once set up you will be able to hide or display most information. Once your INARA page information complete, proceed to visit our page and click the "JOIN THIS SQUADRON" button.

- You can further describe yourself and what you like about Elite Dangerous in your application.
- Include your game Cmdr. name if different, favorite type of play style (if you have one), and how you found us.

- Successful applicants will agree to follow our charter of conduct listed below. -

Charter of the G.O.M. Collective

Members of the G.O.M. Collective Squadron, agree to uphold the following:

  • To always treat other pilots with respect and dignity. In game, squadron boards & vox chat rooms like "Discord".
  • To remember we go to this game to enjoy fair play as it is removed from real-life cheats, challenges and debates.
  • To keep topics relevant to the game and move personal issues to private messaging.
  • To not petition officers to take sides in the ranks. All parties in a dispute will be held accountable.
  • To only attack those pilots who attack us or our allies, or where PvP combat is consensual between all pilots.
  • To not bully or grief other pilots or use language, actions or game hacks that would impugn the honour of the G.O.M. Collective.
  • To never knowingly work against the interests of the G.O.M. Collective, our allies or partners.
  • To never knowingly attempt to control a System already controlled by another Active Player Faction.

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