Name: The White Templar Black Knights
Allegiance: Empire
Power: Arissa Lavigny-Duval
Language: English
Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Members: 7

Supported minor faction: The White Templars
Supported minor faction: 7th Interplanetary Defense Fleet

In-game name:
  • PCWhite Templar Black Knights [WTBK]
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About The White Templar Black Knights

Though highly devoted to the empire, their loyalty is to honor and justice, not to any being.
The wicked weathered man or alien, need take pause at their arrival. They often attack pirates, but allow all peaceful trade, even with federally aligned commanders. A mysterious group with a clouded past. They have appeared and disappeared throughout history. Whenever threats to the peace manifest themselves, they have performed silent strikes, never claiming responsibility for the destruction in their wake.

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