Name: Alliance Exploration Corps
Allegiance: Alliance
Power: Edmund Mahon
Language: English
Timezone: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Members: 19

Related minor faction: Alliance Exploration Corps
Supported minor faction: Flat Galaxy Society
Supported minor faction: Old Worlds Corporation

In-game name:
  • PCAlliance Exploration Corps [AEXC]
  • XBAlliance Exploration Corps [AEXC]
  • PSAlliance Exploration Corps [AEXC]
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About Alliance Exploration Corps

The Alliance Exploration Corps is now not only the exploration arm of the Alliance but the exploration wing for Flat Galaxy Society.

Founded in 3305, the Alliance Exploration Corps is the exploration arm of the Alliance and a joined collaboration of Elite Commanders trusted with the exploration of the unknown regions of the galaxy. As a secondary mission, the AEC also engages in mining and security details as means of funding faction operations. Although Alliance based, all exploration data is available freely to humanity, regardless of faction. AEC is currently looking for daring explorers to add to our ranks to create an enjoyable community for fellow explorers ,regardless of skill level , all are welcome.

We accept anyone, even people who aren't explorers, so there's a place for everyone.

Join the Alliance Exploration Corps on the Flat Galaxy Society Discord at the link below.

Good luck in the black. o7.

Latest squadron members

NaeteolsElite VPC
SmuggzElite IPC
cain xciPathfinderXB
Lijen CynnPathfinderPC
CMDR TgrahamElitePC
Lesath ScorpiusElitePC
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