Name: Border Rangers of Outer Space
Allegiance: Independent
Language: Ukrainian
Timezone: Helsinki
Members: 5

Related minor faction: BROs Elite

In-game name:
  • PCBorder Rangers of Outer Space [BR0S]
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About Border Rangers of Outer Space

BROs Elite (Border Rangers of Outer Space Elite), established in 3304, represents a pioneering force in the galaxy as both a reliable corporation and a dedicated squadron. As a corporate entity with a heart for community and exploration, our mission transcends traditional boundaries, merging economic pursuits with a steadfast commitment to safeguard humanity and the infinite expanse of space.

Corporate Mission:
Our corporation is driven by a dual-purpose vision: to ensure the prosperity and security of human space through innovative business strategies and to protect against the threats of hostile alien species. By embracing a wide spectrum of activities, from trade to technology development, BROs Elite stands for the future of galactic development and defense.

Operational Divisions:

  • Security and Defense: Our Rangers and Hunters divisions are the backbone of our security operations, vigilantly patrolling the borders of human-occupied space to deter and defend against alien aggressions. As a corporation, we invest in the latest technologies and strategies to empower our pilots, ensuring they are equipped to protect our interests and humanity's frontiers.

  • Exploration and Research: The spirit of discovery is alive within our Explorers and Scientists divisions. We are committed to peaceful exploration and the advancement of knowledge, contributing vital data and insights to both our corporate research centers and the wider galactic community. Our exploratory missions and scientific endeavors aim to uncover new opportunities for growth and innovation.

  • Resource Acquisition and Trade: Recognizing the importance of economic strength, our Miners and Traders divisions focus on harnessing valuable resources and establishing secure, profitable trade routes. Through cutting-edge mining technologies and savvy market strategies, we provide substantial support to our corporate aims and the broader economic landscape.

  • Corporate Invitation:
    BROs Elite is more than a squadron; it's a community of like-minded individuals driven by a shared vision for the future of space exploration and humanity's place in the galaxy. We welcome pilots of all roles and expertise to join our ranks, whether you're drawn to the thrill of exploration, the strategic nuances of trade, or the noble cause of defense.

    Join us in shaping the future of humanity in space. Your skills, passion, and dedication have a place here, among the stars with BROs Elite. Together, we will explore the unknown, defend our shared home, and prosper in the vast, boundless expanse of the galaxy.

    Latest squadron members

    Mark WellzElitePC
    Alan JovakkoElite IIPC
    NomenIllisLEgioElite VPC
    Max WellsElite VPC
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