Name: Ishtar Sovereignty Spec Ops
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 28

Related minor faction: Family of Ishtar
Supported minor faction: Arbor Caelum Internal Defense
Supported minor faction: Gilgamesh Corps Orbital Protection

In-game name:
  • PCIshtar Sovereignty Spec Ops [ISSO]
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About Ishtar Sovereignty Spec Ops

From the ranks of the Ishtar Sovereignty, during some of the most turbulent times of the year 3307, a group of specialist and Elite pilots formed a Special Ops squadron to protect and assist in the expansion of Ishtar territory. Where our sister squadrons focus on trade, diplomacy and exploration (and concquering) of the galaxy, we at ISSO focus on blowing stuff up! We exist, to protect the innocent (and the not so innocent) members of The Ishtar Sovereignty alliance. Whether it be fighting CZ's to prevent some rebel faction from keeping the territory that our friends want, or storming a settlement to rid it of scavengers who think they can steal from the Sovereignty, what we stole from someone else...

We also engage in dog fights around the galaxy where we feel it's necessary to put someone back in their place. You know the type, some pilot gets in an FDL and takes it to Tod McQuinn, then thinks he's a sharp shooter and starts murdering traders in T9's, or explorers in their Asp Exploder. Then of course there's the odd disagreement among friends and we'll occasionally have a rum fuelled battle with our ships to settle the argument, obviously where possible, we avoid the regeneration fees when it's against a friend... it's just not always possible.

These activities aren't free of course, so sometimes it's necessary to engage in a little erm, 'freelance trade' out in the black. That's happening less and less these days though, times are hard. We're always recruiting new pilots, so if you're reading this and you like blowing stuff up more than you like clicking the plus and minus buttons in a station, sign up today!

We are sistered with two squadrons ARCM (Arbor Calem) and GLGC (Gilgamesh Corp) and thus also share the same discord which can be accessed here:

Our Discord Server

We also support the 'Hammers of Slough' minor faction in the Vesper-M4 system, in order to ensure that Vesper-M4 retains it's 'Anarchy' Status and all CMDRs are able to enjoy the sport of 'Space Whale Hunting' and the collection of the Materials they drop, with impunity.

Continuously seeking to improve at combat, both PVE and PVP and have fun in the process - New and experienced CMDRs welcome

Never retreat

Living or dead, always ahead, fed by your dread

Latest squadron members

RikerA12Elite IVPC
P O W E R L I N EElite VPC
AndroidX95Elite IPC
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