Logbook entry

Woke up under the ship, on the tarmac, in New Atlantis

So, yeah, I was experimenting with scarfing a handful of chunks, huffing a tube of Aurora, and then slamming some alcohol, and then I woke up under the ship, with Andreja staring at me, with her typical look of annoyance. I also noticed the tarmac security guard and janitor making bets on if I was dead..

Alright so time to organize inventory, the most boring but most often chore of the space Buckaroo, as it were.

I am moving all my legendary stuff, that I had stored in the container here on the tarmac over to the lodge. Figure that stuff will be safer in the safe in my room. I love the container here for storing resources, but resources are easily replaceable, whereas that legendary collection of mine is priceless. Though I may need to start selling off some of it, I'm just getting too many, and I typically only use the same guns and armor 99% of the timed. Just nice to have the extra stuff in case a buddy on the ship needs better gear.

After I organize and sell, I will be continuing where I left off yesterday, doing outpost teardowns.

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Sidetracking to Akila. I found Sarah's commencement thing in the safe. Figured Id take it, and Solom's maps back to my pad there. It's a better place to store it. I'll take the opportunity to sell and resupply.

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You know, sometimes I understand how Spacers become Spacers. There is nothing but trouble on the surface, and the emptiness of space feels more full of "life" then the shell of life you find terra firma. Things feel almost alien planet side, like I'm not a part of any ecosystem anymore. I mean Spacers are still f-ing crazy, I'm gonna still blast'em when I see them, they're deplorable serial killers in spacesuits, but there seems to be a loose philosophy in there somewhere. Maybe I just need more sleep and lay off the Aurora for a bit.

<post entry>

5. Montara Luna, Cheyenne - Gone. (Argon/Benzene/Carboxylic Acids)

6. Zeta Ophiuchi I - Gone. (Ytterbium)

7. Feyman III - Still active as a hunting and exploration outpost. Resource extraction halted.

8.Fermi VII-a - Gone. (Platinum/Palladium/Memory Substrate)

9. Fermi VII-b - Gone. (Dysprosium/Europium)

10. Decaran VII-b - Gone. (Uranium/Iridium/Vytinium)

(I should be keeping track of scanning history while visiting these systems, but I'll just scan my maps after I'm done.)

ok just going to list the ones from now on I have shut down and make a seperate entry for the ones still functioning.

11. Schrodinger II - Gone. (Aldumite/Clorine/Chlorosilanes)

12. Carinae III-a - Gone. (Rothcite/Iron/Alkanes) [there is a "CM-Station RC-1" that pinged I need to investigatre)

13. & 14. Hyugens II & VII-a - Both Gone. (I was in such a damn hurry I have no idea what I was producing here)

<post entry>

Loose List of Functioning Outposts:

Land's End - Bardeen III - (outer north vacation outpost. no human structures. Contraband & Collectables Storage.)

The Broken Egg - Jaffa IV - (Near the Vulture's Roost. This Outpost is a beacon to find my way back for Ecliptic hunting.)

Amp Lab - Shrodinger III - (I use Amp so much for running planets, figured I'd set my own lab up.)

Far-Outpost - Bohr II - (Good hunting and Looting. Tough critters and better quality loot. Tougher baddies.)

Ocean Breeze Home - Serpentis IV - (Good Looting. Outpost placed in a system with lots of ships to shoot if I get bored.)

Abandoned Hydrofarm - Feymen III - (Unique place to loot. Still need to explore more. Lots of good hunting.)

Red Mile Style - Porima III - (Close to Red Mile. Outpost beacon to easily locate. In a nicer location then the bar.)

<post entry> i need to take five...

Ok, I finally finished entering my scanning history into the computer. Now I just need to remeber to update the databse as I go. Unfortunately the ship's computer only has a map, and not a nice and tidey "things explored & scanned" database or lexicon lists, onboard the ship- which would be nice. Perhaps Bethesda Computing & Engineering will give out an update to the ship's computer. It'd be nice if they made a personal database for current outpost locations and where resources have been found and scanned. Both minable and from Fuana and Flora. A searchable list interfaces.

Van Maanen's Star = 100% scanned. (gonna take a moment to look for loot. Planet only has a level 10 danger rating..)

Pirates at a Deserted Biotics Lab. Gonna be shitty loot. just have that feeling. Most likely just clean up outside, no need to go in here. ~yeh that was a bust, just junk. I mean I got some noodles for chapaguri and some trauma meds for making panacea, but everything else was junk. even the safe on the landing pad- junk.

Heading to another planet.

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