Logbook entry

Change of Plans

I have decided to change what I am going to use the logbook for, I'm just going to be a bit more selective what I am going to log.

Big Changes:
Constellation and I had a memorial for Sarah at the Lodge. Cried. Just so much to process, but I did. Am I heartless to feel over Sarah's death? Maybe, maybe not. My thoughts are that because of my beliefs, I honestly, well, I am pretty sure, maybe 98.3% sure that she has become part of the Cosmos. Her particles still exist, she is in the air around me, in the physical atoms that make up material reality, she is constantly embarrassing me through the Universe, I feel loved by her still. I hear her voice telling me that she is proud of me, she wants me to be happy, wants me to keep a clear soul, wants me to go further then further still. She wants me to be loved and comforted here in physical reality. She needs me to keep striving to find adventure, and to find a new companion on the way to be my buddy, my friend, my lover, and through them feel the Universe once again being here for me.

This leads to another set of circumstances, or destiny. I have been running around with Andreja. I helped her find peace with her past. We have had a great time together. She has really been there to have my back. I felt feelings again, feelings of love, feelings that at first made me feel guilty. But love lost directs us through the healing process to love found, perhaps. The strangeness of intense trauma bonding? The mircale of a new tomarrow showing itself? More then circumstance, like a supernova eventually birthing a new exsiwste4nce, Andreja and I have fallen in love. Sure she is into the whole Serpent thing, and being a true believer in the Polymath Energy of Everything, I am one with all beliefs and none. So I can understand her enlightenment through her story, the metaphors to god and savior, her serpent is Jesus and this is how she finds the Christos, even if its through a metaphorical snake that has become a literal understanding, much like the whole Christianity shebang of Old Earth. She worries about the end, worries that I will be judged, whether god/goddess, pure energy of cosmic birth, or the cradle of science, I know in my heart, my soul, my whole essence that through my grace and gratitude for existing my salvation is always apparent and constantly eminent in the past, the moment, the future. What was it the Cristians of Old Earth said, Hallelujah the tomb is empty Christ is reborn. My need is to exist and help bring those around me closer to their own salvation. Pirates even deserve forgiveness, despite the volley of bullets that always seem to come my way. Anyways, this moment shall exist forever, and I shall always feel the presence of being One with everything and the nothing, and here love returns to my side.

In boring news, I am surveying Heisenberg system, looking for some kind of weird natural anomaly.

I decided to take out the Fontier II, just running the gig with Andreja and Vasco, and a medic I picked up on Akila, a Ms. Rosie Tannehill. She's a nice girl, originally born on a starship, only to be stuck in Akila, and find her way back to the stars on my starship. Guess her mom works at The Clinic star station.


Diseased Biosphere located in Heisenberg system on V-A. Just need to finish scanning here. Going to add this planet to my notes, there is 8 floras to be scanned here, but there's no animals or humans. It's ridiculously peaceful. My hopes are maybe to figure out if any flora is worth greenhousing for resources. It'd be a perfect vacation/stash house still, it's like almost middle of the universe, no prying eyes in the sky scanning my ship, perfect place to cook Auroara and stash contraband that I'm acquiring faster than being able to sell.


ok Heisenberg is now 100% scanned. Nothing really to grow on V-A besides possibly fiber and structural resource..

Going to Copernicus to scan there. Landed on VIII-B might be awhile, I see locations to loot..
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