Logbook entry

The Enemy of thy Enemy

02 Jun 2020Tharik Otoli
The Adventures of Prince Tharik Otoli: Space Pirate

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War, as it so happens, usually brings opportunities for plunder and profit. We join our hero and his bold crew as they attempt to raid corporate shipping amid an epic struggle between the Federation and some of the Galaxy’s most notorious criminal organizations.


“…let’s be reasonable gentlemen, we share a common enemy,” implored Imperial Corsair Captain Commander Prince Tharik Otoli over the ship to ship communications. He then muted the audio and turned to his first mate, “Mr. Redbeard, divert power to shields, we can’t fight all of them, but we can run.” Bill Redbeard, a jolly and affable rogue named for his fiery imperial beard, nodded and quickly complied.

Surrounding the Justicar were two Kraits, a Python, and a Fer-de-Lance, all four ships bore the crimson skull and crossbones signifying their allegiance to an infamous organization. The reply came quickly, “You are either Code or you’re dead,” and was followed by weapons fire.

The Justicar rocked as the shields absorbed the barrage. Tharik shouted, “Damn them! Perhaps this adventure was ill-conceived.” Bill Redbeard glanced at Tharik and raised an eyebrow as he steadied himself at his station. Tharik grabbed the ship controls and boosted forward simultaneously engaging the Frame Shift Drive. He turned to a few buccaneers stationed on the bridge, “You men, prepare for any boarders, they may try and take the ship.”

The three corsairs nodded, “Aye, Cap’n,” and then quickly left the bridge.

A rocket erupted from the Fer-de-Lance and exploded on the Justicar’s shields aft. Redbeard shouted, “Oi! Cap’n, our Frame Shift, she be rebootin’!”

Tharik nodded, “Aye, they are intent on making an example of us. They do not suffer other privateers.” He spun the Justicar around, opened her gun ports, and sighted down upon the Fer-de-lance, “Let’s hope that sleek machine is the only one with those accursed rockets!” The Justicar’s cannons began belching lead and fire. High yield shells exploded upon the Fer-de-Lance as the ship rocketed past.

Redbeard glanced down at the sensors, “Cap’n! There be a fifth ship!” Tharik watched as an Imperial Clipper quickly approached from above, the comms once again came to life, “Tharik! THARIK! Randomus it is him! Ceasefire you scallywags!”

As quickly as the battle had begun, the four aggressors powered down as the reply came across open comms, “Aye Mum, as ye wish.” The ships slowed to a halt and the Justicar followed suit.

Redbeard motioned toward an indicator alight on the ship’s console, “Cap’n the Clipper, they be hailing us and requesting a K-cast.” Tharik snapped his fingers and pointed toward the center of the bridge. Redbeard’s hands deftly slid across the controls and a hologram of a beautiful woman wearing an all-black Remlock suit with red trim suddenly materialized on the bridge of the Justicar. A white skull adorned one of her shoulders and a modified Imperial Emblem, the symbol of the Imperial Corsairs, the other. Her eyeshadow and lipstick were both jet black.

“Rei? Rei Hino! By the Gods! Rei, what are you doing here,” asked Tharik.

The hologram cocked her head to the side, “What am I doing here?” A voice from out of view of the hologram could be heard, “Oi? This is Otoli? This garish Imperial dandy is the Bane of Maia? You survived a gunfight in The Starbomb along with this toff?” Commander Hino turned to her side and shouted back, “Silence you cur, I’ll not hear that, Prince Tharik Otoli has more sand in his mustache alone then the whole lot of you combined!”

Tharik stroked his beard and fixed his eyes upon the overhead considering this, “Right then, I’ll take that as a compliment I suppose.” He paused and an idea formed in his mind, “So, Commander Hino, I do believe we have common enemies…”
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