Inara updates, bug reports, requests
Discussion about Inara - any comments, suggestions, feature requests, bug reports are warmly welcomed.︎ 14991
Happy Dazetoday, 8:30am
Elite: Game talk
Elite:Dangerous related questions, answers, tips and help. Simply anything that is directly related to the game and its gameplay goes here.︎ 48575
Blue_Maxtoday, 2:00am
Elite: Odyssey
Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.︎ 4595
Silver Taffer31 Dec 2024, 10:40pm
Elite: General talk
Anything at least partially related to the Elite:Dangerous, but doesn't exactly fit the Game talk thread. Elite community, astrophysics and so on...︎ 4569
Thindertoday, 8:34am
Elite: Lore
Discussion about Elite:Dangerous lore, universe and anything related...︎ 2467
Salmonea29 Dec 2024, 2:10am
Starfield: Game talk
Starfield related questions, answers, tips and help. Anything that is directly related to Starfield's gameplay goes here.︎ 114
Aleksander Majjam05 Oct 2024, 11:55pm
Starfield: General talk
Anything related to Starfield, but doesn't exactly fit the Game talk thread.︎ 233
Bruce Patton23 Dec 2024, 9:14pm
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 1 & 2
Anything about Kingdom Come: Deliverance 1 and 2. All related questions, answers, tips and help.︎ 1
Artietoday, 12:08am
Introduce yourself in here and say hello to everybody! ;)︎ 5453
Insurrectionist29 Dec 2024, 3:07pm
Rant corner
Any rants about the game and so on. If you aren't entirely constructive, at least be polite... ;)︎ 389
Insurrectionist31 Dec 2024, 2:49pm
Elite roleplay: The galactic bar
ROLEPLAY ONLY! Respect the universe settings!︎ 6090
Jana Razeki18 Dec 2024, 9:22am
Elite roleplay: The docks
ROLEPLAY ONLY! Respect the universe settings!︎ 2696
Vasil Vasilescu12 Dec 2024, 11:20pm
Elite roleplay: Citi Gateway
ROLEPLAY ONLY! Respect the universe settings!︎ 3381
Descartes02 Sep 2024, 6:43pm
Elite roleplay: Off station
ROLEPLAY ONLY! Respect the universe settings!︎ 5178
Maul Montresortoday, 7:54am
Elite roleplay: Banter
Anything you want to banter about. In-character... ;)︎ 3535
Meowerstoday, 8:45am
Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC
Anything you want to ask about roleplay. Questions, answers, out-of-character talk...︎ 7794
Adam 'The detective' Štefánik15 Dec 2024, 10:14pm