Inara translations

This thread is dedicated to translations of Inara. For the easier translation process, Inara's own translation tool is used and you can find the state of the translations here. If you want to contribute to the translations, please let me know.

Switch to working in progress (or finished) translations for testing:

Englishsourcedebug version with tooltips
Portuguese100% donedebug version with tooltips
Chinese100% donedebug version with tooltips
Italian100% donedebug version with tooltips
Russian100% donedebug version with tooltips
French100% donedebug version with tooltips
Spanish100% donedebug version with tooltipsNeeds fixes and updates!
German100% donedebug version with tooltips
Turkish100% donedebug version with tooltips
Korean100% donedebug version with tooltips
Ukrainian100% donedebug version with tooltips

Known issues:
Blueprints, blueprint parameters, synthesis, experimental effects, material categories and tooltips, ship modules, ship names and descriptions, Engineer unlocks, Power rewards, game statistics, star classes and commander roles are currently in English only. It will be improved as soon as possible.
30 Aug 2020, 3:01pm
Inara now fully supports the site localization, so if do you would like to have Inara translated into your language, now it's the chance! If you are willing and capable to translate Inara, feel free to join the project. I would primarily like to have at least the main game languages (like German, French, etc.) but there are no limits for any other language, too. Also, I would like to have a native speaker with excellent English language knowledge to take a pass over the existing phrases (to fix bad grammar or anything odd there), if anybody is up to a task.
31 Aug 2020, 6:44pm
I put some Italian translations...
31 Aug 2020, 7:22pm

Also some heads-up - I will put some more phrases into the translation there tomorrow or later today (mostly stuff for squadrons I forgot to put in and various properties like economy, governments, etc.).
I also see Russian commanders took it by storm and are having more than half of the phrases translated already. Great job, guys!
31 Aug 2020, 8:02pm
I've opened a thread in the most popular German-speakers forum and got already reactions of commanders who will help
31 Aug 2020, 9:33pm
EnvisitorI've opened a thread in the most popular German-speakers forum and got already reactions of commanders who will help

Excellent, thanks! I just would like to mention that there is no need to translate already translated phrases waiting for approval - in those cases and if the translation is good, voting for the translation already present is good enough. The translations waiting for approval are visible on the right side of the screen.
01 Sep 2020, 12:55pm
As mentioned yesterday, there were some extra strings added to OneSky. There shouldn't be any large additions anymore, except some missing properties like station types, stuff for blueprints and bug fixes, so don't be scared.

Also, I have put online the partial (~60%) Russian translation for testing, you can switch to Russian language here or switch with a debug output. The debug will show the phrase key name on hover over the string, if do you will need that to identify problematic translations (it breaks some buttons, etc., but as it's just a debug, it doesn't matter too much). You can switch back to English in the page footer.
01 Sep 2020, 12:56pm
I'll contribute to german translations.
01 Sep 2020, 12:59pm
Kai PelzelI'll contribute to german translations.

Thank you! Please also pay attention what is already translated and is waiting for approval (you can vote for the best translation there), so you won't spend time over stuff that is already translated.
01 Sep 2020, 7:59pm
Quick question for Portuguese (likely for other latin-based languages):

For this example: %%N1 [WORD1|WORD2]

When I have multiple words going between singular/plural in the same phrase, can I use something like:


Where "odds" would be the singular versions and "evens" the plurals?
01 Sep 2020, 10:08pm
LeonardofelinQuick question for Portuguese (likely for other latin-based languages):
For this example: %%N1 [WORD1|WORD2]

When I have multiple words going between singular/plural in the same phrase, can I use something like:


Where "odds" would be the singular versions and "evens" the plurals?

Nope, it won't work as the regexp parser won't get it at the moment. Is there some way around it, by altering the phrase a little bit or so?
01 Sep 2020, 11:07pm
I have already added many german strings but sometimes we need more context: e.g. "Transfer", "Trade" might be a noun or a verb.
And what's the about strange ones like "Like: 102002327619121152"?
01 Sep 2020, 11:44pm
Feel free to add comments to any phrases that needs the context, I will respond there.
The "Transfer" (guild.action_guildtransferleader) is a button for confirming the squadron ownership privileges transfer to a new squadron leader (so verb). The "Trade" (guild.state_guildmission_type4) is a type of the squadron mission (noun). The "Like: 102002327619121152" (guild.placeholder_discordserverid) is an input field placeholder for entering the Discord server ID (in meaning as "place here a number like 102002327619121152").
01 Sep 2020, 11:49pm
Just to add some extra guide, the keys beginning with "action_" are usually buttons, "title_" are various table column names, property names and similar, "header_" are large headers on pages, "message_" and "error_" are usually responses to user actions and "info_" are various static texts. The rest like "state_", "option_", "value_" and similar are usually some property values.
02 Sep 2020, 12:55am
Artie Nope, it won't work as the regexp parser won't get it at the moment. Is there some way around it, by altering the phrase a little bit or so?

I'll review them again tomorrow and try to find a way. Too much translation for today. Thanks! My squad and friends will really appreciate Inara in their own language. This is AWESOME!
02 Sep 2020, 10:14am
My friend CMDR chrookeeqrq and I were working with Chinese translate,we'd like to know is there anyone can check the work we've done.And can i have the Inara Discord Server URL?

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