Inara translations

This thread is dedicated to translations of Inara. For the easier translation process, Inara's own translation tool is used and you can find the state of the translations here. If you want to contribute to the translations, please let me know.

Switch to working in progress (or finished) translations for testing:

Englishsourcedebug version with tooltips
Portuguese100% donedebug version with tooltips
Chinese100% donedebug version with tooltips
Italian100% donedebug version with tooltips
Russian100% donedebug version with tooltips
French100% donedebug version with tooltips
Spanish100% donedebug version with tooltipsNeeds fixes and updates!
German100% donedebug version with tooltips
Turkish100% donedebug version with tooltips
Korean100% donedebug version with tooltips
Ukrainian100% donedebug version with tooltips

Known issues:
Blueprints, blueprint parameters, synthesis, experimental effects, material categories and tooltips, ship modules, ship names and descriptions, Engineer unlocks, Power rewards, game statistics, star classes and commander roles are currently in English only. It will be improved as soon as possible.
08 Sep 2020, 9:14pm
Could the date format for french be changed to DD/MM/YYYY and hour format to 24h instead of 12 with AM/PM ? ( Date format is less important, hour format is )
08 Sep 2020, 9:47pm
Not a problem, added as an option to the settings.
08 Sep 2020, 11:07pm
"Demote all"
Just small heads up that in Polish you cannot translate it into 13 characters, unless we'd use only one word that could be understood in the context.

By the way, I'm helping with Polish translation of INARA. \o/
08 Sep 2020, 11:11pm
Great! Please take that length restrictions rather as a guideline than a dogma. If do you exceed the length a little bit, it usually doesn't matter, but may get critical on various table column names (as then the table simply doesn't fit into the layout on lower browser window sizes). So translate it as is best and then testing right on the site may reveal possible problems with the length.
08 Sep 2020, 11:57pm
ArtieGreat! Please take that length restrictions rather as a guideline than a dogma. If do you exceed the length a little bit, it usually doesn't matter, but may get critical on various table column names (as then the table simply doesn't fit into the layout on lower browser window sizes). So translate it as is best and then testing right on the site may reveal possible problems with the length.

You cannot expand the limitation, as OneSky denies so. There are also problems with certain words that extend these 1-2 characters, as far as I am working over Polish translation. It's kinda tricky yet creative to get over these limitations, but sometimes you can't just mistranslate certain terms being dogma for Eliteverse.
09 Sep 2020, 12:14am
As far as I know and tested before, it just warns about the length exceeded, but there is possible to submit the translation anyway?
09 Sep 2020, 12:19am
Ah, my mistake. I haven't noticed the lower text. Thanks Artie!
09 Sep 2020, 11:47am
09 Sep 2020, 4:28pm
It seems the date and time format settings dont apply to the graphs such as faction influence, credits, carrier balance etc..
09 Sep 2020, 6:30pm
The17thDoctorIt seems the date and time format settings dont apply to the graphs such as faction influence, credits, carrier balance etc..

Hi, I've reported this to Artie as well. He mentioned these are in a different library (graphs) and will need more work.
10 Sep 2020, 10:34am
Hi, I found some errors/typos in the French translation. I am registered as a translator, so I can add new translation... but what is the best way to report these mistakes?
10 Sep 2020, 11:00am
OddalineHi, I found some errors/typos in the French translation. I am registered as a translator, so I can add new translation... but what is the best way to report these mistakes?

Hello, the best way is to fix the typo there and also leave a short comment for the phrase about the fix, so reviewer will surely notice the change/fix made.
10 Sep 2020, 1:30pm
Hello, the translation into the Italian language is completed and I need to do some tests before the final approving.
10 Sep 2020, 1:55pm
Great, thanks! I will put the Italian translations for testing on the site shortly.
11 Sep 2020, 10:50am
As mentioned earlier, there was a pass over the English base texts made. Huge thanks to Jemine for going through all of it and fixing all grammar issues, typos and so on! Due the nature of those changes (and same as before), YOU DO NOT NEED TO CHANGE YOUR TRANSLATIONS! Just approve them (set as Finalized) and it's done. I can also do that for you on a mass-level and approve/finalize all phrases at once, if you want to.

On top of that, I have added a few missing phrases in there and also an option to format date and time into your language. If you are not sure how to properly set the formatting, just follow the hints there or place your date/time in your language into comments.

I have fixed a few localization-related issues on the site as well (but some stuff related to engineering, ships, modules, etc. will be solved in the next iteration (I have most of the stuff like the ship descriptions, etc. localized already, so it will save you some work)). So in this phase, if you are confident that your translation after the beta testing is rock-solid and there are no issues, please tell me, I will unset it as "beta" and we can consider it as near-final.

Last edit: 11 Sep 2020, 11:22am

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