Elite: Game talk

29 May 2017, 3:43pm
Have a look at the news page, under the Weekly Conflict Report section. The best way to do it is from in-game though, just filter for WAR of CIVIL WAR state on your galactic map. That way you don't drive a long way to some far off conflict zone when there is a system next store to you where everyone is shooting at each other.
30 May 2017, 2:08am
Oliver N. HardyHave a look at the news page, under the Weekly Conflict Report section. The best way to do it is from in-game though, just filter for WAR of CIVIL WAR state on your galactic map. That way you don't drive a long way to some far off conflict zone when there is a system next store to you where everyone is shooting at each other.

Thanks, I do know that, but I was asking for a specific system because some are much more efficient than others. I really don't care how far I need to go.

One especially that has federation minor factions, as this is what I need.
30 May 2017, 6:08pm
I'm new to Inara. Hi all. I'm looking for a ship(Dolphin) and I have been to 3 different stations that this website say should be at each of the 3 stations. Any help would be appreciated.
30 May 2017, 6:17pm
Marcus StringI'm new to Inara. Hi all. I'm looking for a ship(Dolphin) and I have been to 3 different stations that this website say should be at each of the 3 stations. Any help would be appreciated.


Then all you have to do is select your location and find the nearest
station that sells it. You can also look for any modules you might
need that way too.

Edit: apologies, i wasn't being fully specific. First select Dolphin from the
ship tab, then select your current system in the reference tab. Also keep
an eye on prices updates. Usually lower than 24h means the thing is
still there.
30 May 2017, 11:17pm
Septimus Raven
Marcus StringI'm new to Inara. Hi all. I'm looking for a ship(Dolphin) and I have been to 3 different stations that this website say should be at each of the 3 stations. Any help would be appreciated.


Then all you have to do is select your location and find the nearest
station that sells it. You can also look for any modules you might
need that way too.

Edit: apologies, i wasn't being fully specific. First select Dolphin from the
ship tab, then select your current system in the reference tab. Also keep
an eye on prices updates. Usually lower than 24h means the thing is
still there.

30 May 2017, 11:18pm
31 May 2017, 12:27am
31 May 2017, 12:46am
This is what I was saying that I used Inara but the station didn't have the ship.
31 May 2017, 1:24am
Hmmm... depends also on how the information is old and other factors (the data may not be entirely accurate with the game, because there is probably some stuff involved like your minor factions reputation or so, which may further limit the station offer and it is impossible to handle). Just for curiosity - which stations did you checked in the game?
31 May 2017, 1:56am
ArtieHmmm... depends also on how the information is old and other factors (the data may not be entirely accurate with the game, because there is probably some stuff involved like your minor factions reputation or so, which may further limit the station offer and it is impossible to handle). Just for curiosity - which stations did you checked in the game?

I will have to go back and look.
31 May 2017, 4:18am
31 May 2017, 9:46am
Yes, we both use data coming from EDDN as a source, same as for the outfitting, minor faction states, market prices, etc.
31 May 2017, 11:46pm
Hey, Inara! So I have been looking into head/eye trackers, and basically... How do they work? Do you have to look at your ceiling for your in game avatar to look up? How do they work, lol.
(I'm too poor to afford a new computer for VR)
01 Jun 2017, 12:31am
Movement is scaled, so if you turn your head to the left 5 degrees, in the game you can make your point of view move anywhere from 5 degrees(1to1 scale) to 180 degrees(36to1 scale). This is usually adjustable by using a graphical interface where you adjust linearity on a graph-like display. I use TrackIR, which uses an IR transmitter/receiver to illuminate three reflectors mounted on my hat, which the TrackIR software then tracks as I move my head. There is a freeware program called FaceTrackNoIR that uses your webcam to basically do the same thing, only it uses visible light to sense the movement of your facial features.
01 Jun 2017, 5:09am
Adding to Oliver's comment with my own experiences:

FaceTrackNoIR is pay-to-use, only a few dollars (you have to wait for the developer to e-mail you the program however), and for the most part works pretty well. But since it uses a webcam to function, and has to run face tracking software on the side, it uses more performance than TrackIR, possibly slowing down your game (depends on your rig, obviously).

TrackIR will cost you about $120 used on Amazon (I bought mine used in Very Good condition), or $150 new, but it's more sensitive, quicker (your movement and the in-game movement is pretty much a one-to-one ratio), and is fairly reliable. Just make sure there aren't any semi-bright objects behind you while you're playing, otherwise the camera will spaz out from time to time.

Both programs allow you to customize the curves that affect sensitivity and scaling of movement--so if you want movement to be slower closer to center, and faster when looking further in a direction, you can do that, and tweak it to whatever value you want--so if you want something cheap, FaceTrackNoIR works, but if you want something reliable, TrackIR is definitely the superior option.

And then there's this thing called the HTC Vive VR Headset, which literally puts you in the cockpit. And it's amazing. Like, really amazing. It's so amazingly amazing, I think I'd like to...spend a few more seconds typing how amazing it is; however the typically ~$700 price tag will probably throw people off a bit. Understandable. But it's amazing. I curl up under the dashboard when I'm on long flights, or lay behind the chair on the floor--whatever. It's cool. And tracking a target that's not directly in front of your ship is absolutely natural and easy--when you can literally look around your cockpit, nothing will escape your sight. So it's amazing.

Aaand that's all I gots I reckon. Personally I recommend TrackIR. Yeah, it's over a hundred bucks, but you get good performance, and can of course use TrackIR for other games like Flight Simulators, ARMA, etcetera--so all depends on how often you play games that support it. Fun fact, did you know Star Wars Galaxies--the MMORPG released in 2003, supports TrackIR? Wild. Wish more games supported it.

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