Elite: Game talk

01 Jun 2017, 5:49am
Thanks for the replies! Sadly $120 is slightly out of my price range, and my PC is a bit too old to support a vive or oculus (gtx 770). Artie has suggested EDtracker to me though, which seems like much more available to me at £45

But I do like the sound of how they work , I was a bit worried I'd have to stare at my roof to look out the top of my iEagle.
I did see someone setup that involved a concave projector screen, how cool is this!!
01 Jun 2017, 5:56am
I'm using a Tobii EyeX 4C. Head and eye tracking without having to wear anything.
01 Jun 2017, 6:00am
That's what I was looking into, Numa.
01 Jun 2017, 6:06am
Giyari Artie has suggested EDtracker to me though, which seems like much more available to me at £45

+1 for EDTracker - great value for money!

Maybe the more expensive options would be worth looking into if you're big into sims. I'm not, so it suits me just fine for a better ED experience
01 Jun 2017, 6:09am
GiyariI did see someone setup that involved a concave projector screen, how cool is this!!


I'm running triple monitor (5760x1080)... but that wrap around screen makes mine look like an abortion.
01 Jun 2017, 6:09am
NumaI'm using a Tobii EyeX 4C. Head and eye tracking without having to wear anything.

Whats the difference between head tracker and the eye tracker?
01 Jun 2017, 6:14am
Head tracker is a gyro thingy that tracks your head movement. It's a little box that you put on your head. I have mine on my headphones band.

Eye tracker follows your eye movements. I dunno how they work. Sorcery, probably.
01 Jun 2017, 6:15am
Marra MorganHead tracker is a gyro thingy that tracks your head movement. It's a little box that you put on your head. I have mine on my headphones band.

Eye tracker follows your eye movements. I dunno how they work. Sorcery, probably.

Sorcery indeed, but why have an eye tracker, how does it respond in game when you look left or right.
01 Jun 2017, 7:48am
I heard that buying a smartphone VR adapter is also a really good option since they have good resolution screens, and they're inexpensive if you already have a compatible Phone.

The only downside is that a smartphone screen isn't specifically designed to sit inches from your face, and I've heard that that pretty much throws Multi hour sessions out the window.


Sorcery indeed, but why have an eye tracker, how does it respond in game when you look left or right.

I suppose it doesn't? It only responds to what your eyes directly look at?
01 Jun 2017, 8:09am
(I'm too poor to afford a new computer for VR)

Sell a kidney. It's worth it.
01 Jun 2017, 8:28am
Or someone ELSE'S kidney....organ piracy for the win!
01 Jun 2017, 8:36am
Oliver N. HardyOr someone ELSE'S kidney....organ piracy for the win!

Load up those kidney limpets.
01 Jun 2017, 10:10am
HappyComrieI heard that buying a smartphone VR adapter is also a really good option since they have good resolution screens, and they're inexpensive if you already have a compatible Phone.

The only downside is that a smartphone screen isn't specifically designed to sit inches from your face, and I've heard that that pretty much throws Multi hour sessions out the window.


Sorcery indeed, but why have an eye tracker, how does it respond in game when you look left or right.

I suppose it doesn't? It only responds to what your eyes directly look at?

All configurable. With direct response the camera would be jumping all over. With some delay curve it works very very well. Obsidian Ant has some videos about it, in one he also shares his ED settings. I'm at work, where Youtube is blocked, else I'd link it.
01 Jun 2017, 11:34am
I'm looking to contact anyone who fought in the battles filmed by/for Cmdr Lancer for the Mercy & The Wild Sea movie. If you were one of these fine Cmdrs please let me know. There is news..!
01 Jun 2017, 2:29pm
So, speaking of TrackIR, I recently got one but have yet to install it. Thing is, I also have a curved monitor and it doesn't seem like a good idea to attach the sensor to the bottom of the screen. Has anyone attached it elsewhere, like to a small stand or a raised shelf on their desk - upon which site the monitor - who can share their experience? How far from the actual viewable screen can this be placed to still work reliably?

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