Elite: Game talk

01 Jun 2017, 2:35pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Oliver N. HardyOr someone ELSE'S kidney....organ piracy for the win!

Load up those kidney limpets.

I've got a spare one, having two would just be greedy
01 Jun 2017, 4:17pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Oliver N. HardyOr someone ELSE'S kidney....organ piracy for the win!

Load up those kidney limpets.

I've got a spare one, having two would just be greedy

You need both of them. Trust me.
Oliver's idea tho, smart thinking there. Except, you'll need
to find a way to get them without them noticing, aka

Skyrim pickpocketing style
01 Jun 2017, 11:42pm
James HussarSo, speaking of TrackIR, I recently got one but have yet to install it. Thing is, I also have a curved monitor and it doesn't seem like a good idea to attach the sensor to the bottom of the screen. Has anyone attached it elsewhere, like to a small stand or a raised shelf on their desk - upon which site the monitor - who can share their experience? How far from the actual viewable screen can this be placed to still work reliably?

I use a 38 inch flat screen TV as a monitor, so I had to rig up a mount that would allow me to position the ir transceiver at the correct angle. I also put out a bit of $ and bought some reflective balls to replace that damn bracket with the stickers they give you to put on your hat brim. Those are worth their weight in gold - no more quivering screen when your​ head is close to the max deflection of the camera.
02 Jun 2017, 3:17am
Fairbairn-SykesI'm looking to contact anyone who fought in the battles filmed by/for Cmdr Lancer for the Mercy & The Wild Sea movie. If you were one of these fine Cmdrs please let me know. There is news..!

I will DM you
02 Jun 2017, 3:22am

So this just popped up on Reddit a few minutes ago... We are all so very dead now. Insect food is our fate.
02 Jun 2017, 4:00am
Yeah. And it'll be us making them into it.
02 Jun 2017, 5:50am
In the (almost) words of Mr Burns... "Release the packhounds."
02 Jun 2017, 6:09am
I still think the flowerships are not the enemy and that the enemy is as yet unseen, apart from UAs and probes.
02 Jun 2017, 7:19am
Will the aliens get annoyed with being ganked?

02 Jun 2017, 11:50am
We have more to fear from our own kind than from anything else.
02 Jun 2017, 1:28pm
Fairbairn-SykesI'm looking to contact anyone who fought in the battles filmed by/for Cmdr Lancer for the Mercy & The Wild Sea movie. If you were one of these fine Cmdrs please let me know. There is news..!

I will DM you

Hopefully good news about CMDR Lancer. Could really use them
02 Jun 2017, 3:21pm
Oliver N. Hardy
James HussarSo, speaking of TrackIR, I recently got one but have yet to install it. Thing is, I also have a curved monitor and it doesn't seem like a good idea to attach the sensor to the bottom of the screen. Has anyone attached it elsewhere, like to a small stand or a raised shelf on their desk - upon which site the monitor - who can share their experience? How far from the actual viewable screen can this be placed to still work reliably?

I use a 38 inch flat screen TV as a monitor, so I had to rig up a mount that would allow me to position the ir transceiver at the correct angle. I also put out a bit of $ and bought some reflective balls to replace that damn bracket with the stickers they give you to put on your hat brim. Those are worth their weight in gold - no more quivering screen when your head is close to the max deflection of the camera.

Thank you for this. Though - to my great embarrassment - I mixed up my tech. What's I've got is the Tobii EyeX, not the TrackIR. It has a small IR emitter and sensor that is intended to be attached to the bottom edge of the monitor - the IR then reflects off your eyes and the sensors figure out where you're looking based off this. I haven't set it up yet on account of the curved monitor, and am wondering if alternate mounting is viable. It would almost certainly need to be permanent relative to the monitor, lest it need to be recalibrated every time either of them are moved, but I'm assuming (asking for validation of the assumption here) that it shouldn't matter if the EyeX is a bit off from the monitor itself, so long as it is reasonably close, and calibrated.
02 Jun 2017, 3:24pm
Deltus Infinium[img=1839x1034]http://i.imgur.com/zIlAOoZ.jpg[/img]

So this just popped up on Reddit a few minutes ago... We are all so very dead now. Insect food is our fate.

I just want to go on record as saying that I have never molested a space barnacle. Never groped one. Never shot one. Never inappropriately rubbed up against one. None of that.
02 Jun 2017, 4:41pm
James Hussar I just want to go on record as saying that I have never molested a space barnacle. Never groped one. Never shot one. Never inappropriately rubbed up against one. None of that.

Then what is that nasty green glowing residue all over your Hutton mug? It certainly isn't Fujin tea.
02 Jun 2017, 5:02pm
James Hussar
Deltus Infinium[img=1839x1034]http://i.imgur.com/zIlAOoZ.jpg[/img]

So this just popped up on Reddit a few minutes ago... We are all so very dead now. Insect food is our fate.

I just want to go on record as saying that I have never molested a space barnacle. Never groped one. Never shot one. Never inappropriately rubbed up against one. None of that.

Perhaps there is room for you in the Thargoid Royal Court as a servant... perhaps... for you and all the good ones.

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