Elite: Game talk

19 Jul 2016, 10:17am
Nightdemon00How long did it take any of you guys to get your minor faction added to the game?

It depends, FD add factions in batches so it can take a while.
20 Jul 2016, 10:43pm
Does anyone have visual confirmation of Jaques right now? As they see it right now?
21 Jul 2016, 2:00am
R they going to nerf the a.i. or no
21 Jul 2016, 2:09am
Jaminsjam$5$R they going to nerf the a.i. or no

Erm.. Unless I'm mistaken, I think they already did? Perhaps it was just the engineer's weaponry stuff. Cause, you know. Gatling Plasma Accelerator Guns.. 0_o
21 Jul 2016, 6:45am
Jaminsjam$5$R they going to nerf the a.i. or no

Erm.. Unless I'm mistaken, I think they already did? Perhaps it was just the engineer's weaponry stuff. Cause, you know. Gatling Plasma Accelerator Guns.. 0_o

Well hand cranking it like a Gatling would certainly bring down energy use.
21 Jul 2016, 9:02am
Maybe someone is interested in really impressive astronomical pictures here is the adress for Astronomy Picture of the Day which will change daily.

21 Jul 2016, 5:35pm
Engineer Palin doesn't seem to accept discovery data. It say's that he does on the site description.
Can anyone confirm this for me?
22 Jul 2016, 5:56am
SkipnikEngineer Palin doesn't seem to accept discovery data. It say's that he does on the site description.
Can anyone confirm this for me?

Go back to main menu and login again. That should fix it. I had this issue a couple of times too
23 Jul 2016, 5:05pm
Made this last night, hope it helps those that want to know more about barnacles or want to begin learning about barnacles. Its the only place where all the info you need is in one spot.

23 Jul 2016, 11:58pm
Earlier i created a document titled "what you should know about barnacle sites" however after listening to feedback i created a much shorter and way better guide to barnacle sites.
it is titled "barnacles a short guide". this guid contains all the system data and detailed surface scans. in addition it also contains every known barnacle location and a criteria on where to look.


It is much better than the first one!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 24 Jul 2016, 9:21am
24 Jul 2016, 2:50am
Nice one, Fallbackcoma777, thanks for the compilation.
24 Jul 2016, 4:48am
Mf1veNice one, Fallbackcoma777, thanks for the compilation.

Thanks i hope you find it useful:D
24 Jul 2016, 3:49pm
To any of those who are interested, I currently have 3 extra Soontill Relics near Khun. If you need them, pop onto Open Play and look for me.
25 Jul 2016, 4:54pm
Ok, so I know some of this is a skill thing and still learning about this game and have not by no means fully mastered it. I make be asking to much from my ships, but  how and  why when ever I get into a dog fight  on my own I seem to just get ripped apart? Example  playing  yesterday  I got jumped my and  NPC  while running a Data Transfer mission I was in a ASP explorer  First time the NPC  jumped me  I was dead before I could even find out what type of ship it was. the second time  same NPC  was flying a Federal gunship. This time I  did at least get to deplot weapons and  target him before  he killed me, but it seems to be the norm any ship just seems to be able to take any ship I have apart in no short order  where I have to pound and most any thing to kill it. Any  suggestions  or help would be  so Welcome.

Last edit: 25 Jul 2016, 4:59pm
25 Jul 2016, 5:19pm
Silverdrake220but it seems to be the norm any ship just seems to be able to take any ship I have apart in no short order  where I have to pound and most any thing to kill it. Any  suggestions  or help would be  so Welcome.

To be honest, an Asp should not stand a chance against a Federal Gunship. You need to be quick at deciding whether to run or fight and getting info on the target is the first priority. If you're being interdicted, select the interdicting ship before you voluntarily drop. If it's a sidewinder, blow it a away. If it's an Anaconda, run for your life.

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  • Questions, answers, tips and guides about ship loadouts, game activities like exploration, mining, combat and similar things that directly relate to the gameplay.
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