Elite: Lore

14 Feb 2024, 5:51pm
Hey there, fellow commanders!

I've been on a deep dive into the lore of the Elite series for the past few months, with a particular focus on the 3200s era. My goal was to piece together the fragmented stories and historical events from previous games with the rich narrative of Elite Dangerous. Starting with Project Janus, I try to provide a unified interpretation of the 3200s that fills in the gaps in the narrative, connects the events of the previous games, and enriches our understanding of the Elite universe. Let me know what you think!


Last edit: 14 Feb 2024, 6:01pm
26 Apr 2024, 4:34pm
2 Months none is talking about lore! I'm sad

I had a thought to share, let's hope it will make this place a little more alive again!

About this Second Thargoid War..

To me, it looks like it's always humans fault if Thargoids are getting more and more aggressive.
Yes, they are hostile bugs and need to be exterminated if they attack us.
But to me, it looks like they have a very good reason to do so.

By reading the history, you can see that whenever Aegis was doing something, it created more harm than good.
Jameson also told us centuries ago.... yes, they were dangerous bugs, but we mass murdered them sentient beings with no reason.
If he didn't expect to unawarely kill them, there clearly was no reason to do so.
Dangerous bugs... doesn't mean hostile.

I'm fighting against them in the bubble to protect us... but I feel this is somehow not right.

Thargoids have no intentions to destroy us. They never, ever destroyed a station, even once.
Their only objective seems to weaken us whenever WE get too aggressive toward them.
Like "Hey...stay at your place"

Why, after 200 years of calm, a Second Thargoid War begins exactly after the formation of Aegis, which seems to have power over the 3..superpowers... Aegis seems to be a super-super power, yet gets shut down in 3308. Then Thargoid full invasion..... and Aegis gets its place back.

All those meta-alloys "stolen" or "disappeared" in the past, None ever heard about it again.

To me, it looks like Thargoids have some kind of influence on us. Or maybe it's the opposite.
Yet to me, it looks like someone is gaining something from this war.
And I don't even think it's about credits.

You remember when millennia ago, on our home Earth we used to play virtual games on screens... those people who created them, called developers, just created worlds with virtual characters in them, making them alive. Yet, they were pre-scripted.
To me, it looks like there is a sort of those old "developers" that has total control on both Humans and Thargoids, nowadays.
Maybe it's Aegis, maybe it's the Dark Wheel, maybe it's Raxxla...

If they have total control.... of course we can't find Raxxla! We can only find it whenever they will allow us so.

And this brings me to my point...
History goes like this:

Humans act
A problem is created
Humans find solution.

But.... doesn't it look strange to you that we humans actually have NO TECHNOLOGY that can even barely scratch Thargs?
We needed superior tech and look what great coincidences... everytime we face a bigger threat, a bigger tech is "discovered" right after it!

To me, it looks like there is a real...super-super power that is clearly in control of both Humans and Thargoids vertices, and is simply having fun by watching us fight!

And it is AT THIS POINT that me, CMDR Uramaki, doesn't agree anymore!

Elite.... from Latin Eligere, to Choose, to Elect, to Select.

I choose to create my own path. I'm tired of seeing these individuals in power to have fun while so many sentient beings die.

Yes, I will keep exterminating Thargoids that invade us.

But I want to do something to try and end this war after 6 years!

We can try to wake up and really Elect our destiny. We can refuse to blindly follow orders!

We can choose! We can Elite!

There must be a way to make peace, and I'm sure that eventually.... those super-super powers will decide to create a new threat.

Imagine how exciting could be to make an alliance with Thargoids, to defend the Milky Way from outer invaders.

Millennia ago, on Earth, Caesar fought the Gauls, but then that became one larger thing, Europe, and later even one bigger thing... Federation... and so on.

Bigger things are born when bigger problems need to be faced!

Last proof, for me at least, there is like a super-super-developers like-power in the Galaxy....

.... we don't die, never, ever. Brutal!!

As you understood.. I'm not pro-thargoids.

I'm pro Elite, and I want to be able to chose to have a chance to end this war, and begin a NEW AMAZING CHAPTER!
26 Apr 2024, 8:31pm
Uramaki...I'm pro Elite, and I want to be able to chose to have a chance to end this war, and begin a NEW AMAZING CHAPTER!

Good luck with creating of your own content...
30 Apr 2024, 5:29pm
Uramaki...I'm pro Elite, and I want to be able to chose to have a chance to end this war, and begin a NEW AMAZING CHAPTER!

Good luck with creating of your own content...

Isn't it the reason why Elite is so great?
30 Apr 2024, 5:50pm
Official Elite Lore©®™£ meets sloppy game design, then they both meet crappy programming and a 'minimal viable product' concept and it all results in people writing stuff that looks like 'it's about the game' and it's awesome in a way, since we can't say what exactly kind of life that 34th century humankind would have and it's impossible to cover every aspect of life in a videogame, even a well made videogame, and there will always be things that go against logic and common sense sometimes but you should have them in the game to keep it playable etc. So you have some freedom, to put stuff that doesn't exist in the game and it cannot due to game engine limitations, but it seems totally possible in 1300 years. So, why not. It's a big galaxy anyway and if you can imagine something, then in might be happening, without impacting the rest of that galaxy. And when writers try to stick to the 'game only' content strictly... The result is bland at best. But it's more popular since, that way, people 'on the receiving end' of the creative process don't have to use their own imagination, lol.
30 Apr 2024, 6:17pm
Uramaki... Isn't it the reason why Elite is so great?

Term "great" should not be used for ED... it is the perfect grind sandbox in which rules are being changed all the time so players are doped to believe that there are changes so they have to buy new ships and other stuff. Like upcoming PMKII, you would need that ship because FD beefed up high end interceptors and now you need stronger ships to beat them... I bet PMKII would be a gold mine for FD.
30 Apr 2024, 6:24pm
Some people would say if they just beef up the high end interceptors, it is only going to make their deaths slower.

Having used an FDL in AX without getting immediately obliterated, I might see some truth to that.

(... but if they add something harder than a Hydra that'd just be boring, those things are already bullet sponges as it is and most people will just run from them when it is not a planetary CZ, so I doubt there is any need to make them harder or introduce an even tougher variant.)
30 Apr 2024, 6:30pm
Shg56FD beefed up high end interceptors
...When did they do that? I can't remember converting Hydras into shit before, in times of solo-NHSS hunting in the Pleiades, but I do it now in AXCZs. Earlier, I was winning the fights reliably but I couldn't call it easy. Moreover, people now have dozens of dead Hydras in their profiles yet I remember killing one was a tough job before. So I'm convinced that they actually nerfed them, a lot.
30 Apr 2024, 6:35pm
Kasumi Goto...it is only going to make their deaths slower

That's exactly what FD wants slower death means more ammunition to be synthesize and more grind to replenish the consumables...
30 Apr 2024, 6:46pm
I won't speak about hydras but medusas. I am working on my five star for the goids and hunting them in ax low zones. The best case scenario to beat medusa when it spawns with cyclops after you kill initial scouts and that deal was quite often to get. Now medusas won't spawn in the first instance at low zone at all if you are lucky you might get one after several re-enters in ax zone but it arrives with basilisks and often medusa has a blue cross feature which heals her and the rest of the goids. You could manage to kill it after all but you might need several runs of ammunition replenishments so the grind is increased. PMKII would be a solution. That's the scoop.
30 Apr 2024, 6:50pm
No need to do that when you fight them at station CZs. (Basically) free rearm and repair there, and that's where most of the Thargoid fighting currently takes place. Frontier would also do well not to throw it into the bin because who wants to go back to the times where you have to deal with those stupid, excessively expensive ammo and limpet synths?

MeowersMoreover, people now have dozens of dead Hydras in their profiles yet I remember killing one was a tough job before. So I'm convinced that they actually nerfed them, a lot.

It's actually more likely that it's because Inara counts a Hydra "kill" as one you participated in killing, as opposed to soloing it. Which tends to happen a lot around AXCZs in Open(or the AXI private group, I suppose), especially the planetary ones where participants are a lot less likely to chicken out and run (or are simply more motivated to slug it out with the Hydras instead of resetting the instance to slaughter more Cyclops that are kind of just target practice once you have the basics of Thargoid fighting down).
30 Apr 2024, 10:20pm
Shg56FD beefed up high end interceptors

...When did they do that? I can't remember converting Hydras into shit before, in times of solo-NHSS hunting in the Pleiades, but I do it now in AXCZs. Earlier, I was winning the fights reliably but I couldn't call it easy. Moreover, people now have dozens of dead Hydras in their profiles yet I remember killing one was a tough job before. So I'm convinced that they actually nerfed them, a lot.

I think Interceptors were neither beefed up nor nerfed. Instead, two things happened: (1) we’ve got more powerful / easier to use weapons (for example, modshards have been introduced shortly before the Proteus Wave, IIRC); and (2) we now have planetary port combat zones, where all Interceptors are naturally nerfed by being unable to deploy their swarms, while CMDRs can repair & rearm their ships, then return to the fight, at any time. Add to this ‘participation kills’ (as Kasumi Goto said above) and it can readily explain dozens of Hydra kills in people’s profiles.
In fact, Hydra kills are now easier to rake in than Medusa kills, because the former spawn reliably at the end of a planetary port CZ. And I can attest that killing a Hydra in these scenarios is quite doable solo with relatively little AX experience, if rather tedious. (AFAIR, my first Hydra kill involved no less than 10 emergency trips to a landing pad⁠)
01 May 2024, 1:11am
Guys, please stop compare apples and oranges. Did you kill recently medusa or hydra solo in regular ax low zone not by station or by surface port? Show your Ferrari...
01 May 2024, 1:57am
Okay, that's a deal. Next time I log in, I go kill a Hydra, open-space old-school style, then posting the screenshot here. In the meantime, why don't you show us one of your Hydra kills? Ah, wait a minute...
01 May 2024, 1:12pm
I do not contest the notion that AX combat zone scenarios may have been changed in a way that makes Medusa kills harder; but that is quite different from the Interceptors themselves having been beefed up (or nerfed). Kind of like the difference between the difficulty of a car race and the difficulty of the race track.

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