Personal content

Real name
Henry St'Octo
Place of birth
Year of birth
172 cm / 5' 8"
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Growing up on the breathable world Ehecayl A 7, Henry had a rather advantaged start in life compared to many in the galaxy. His early years was in his mother's Oceanic Agriculture business, until he learned to fly.
After a matter of months learning, Henry was licensed on the family's Keelback (leased from the EG Union), under the strict flight zone of from the planet's surface, to Ivanishin Market in local orbit to offload the algae produced from the family's enterprise. The exhilaration of breaking the atmosphere each time was like a hit of onionhead, yet he wanted more. After months of pleading to leave to his parents, an application was sent to the Pilot's Federation. One short Apex trip to Dromi later, and he was enrolled!
Once successfully a commander, Stocto settled down in AY Indi. Close enough to home to stop by, but in a Pilot's Federation-owned station, to stay out the mess of politics that plagued the galaxy. In a few years he'd amassed a small fleet of ships, and was just saving up for his own carrier to keep them on