Personal content

Real name
Therion Cygni
Place of birth
LHS 3119
Year of birth
180 cm / 5' 11"
90 kg / 198 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Earth North American English
CMDR Cygni had his 15 minutes of fame in November 3307 when the Galnet named him publicly as having cracked NMLA terrorist leader Theta Seven’s encrypted message for the Affiliated Counter-terrorism Unit (ACT), ultimately leading to the Battle of Mudhrid and the eventual death of Theta Seven, a.k.a. John Tyburn.

Therion Cygni hails from a backwater Federal colony of little importance, which he always wanted to leave but lacked the means. He considered joining the Federal Navy, but in the process of enlisting, he was contacted by the Pilots’ Federation. He was offered admission to the Pilots’ Federation Institute of Technology under mysterious sponsorship. He accepted and never looked back.

Since commission, CMDR Cygni has proven successful at a wide range of occupations, and holds multiple Elite ratings. He views anti-xeno defense of humanity as an Elite Pilots’ Federation responsibility. He maintains good relations with all superpowers and most non-criminal factions, though he disdains working with communists and dictators.

Suffering from chronic fernweh, CMDR Cygni considers exploration to be his true calling and will sometimes venture into uncharted space for weeks at a time. After a few neat Indi Bourbons in a starport bar, he is sometimes overheard threatening to take his carrier and disappear into the black, never to return.

In early March 3308, CMDR Cygni sought out membership and was admitted to The Buur Pit squadron. He has been a member ever since, and has been heard to say that he regrets not joining sooner. Associates of CMDR Cygni report that he has nothing but the highest admiration and praise for that stalwart band of like-minded Commanders. They say that, while Therion still periodically disappears into the black, the friendship and camaraderie of The Buur Pit must be all that keeps him coming back to the bubble these days…