Logbook entry

All That Glitters...

21 Feb 2021Tharik Otoli
The Adventures of Prince Tharik Otoli: Space Pirate

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Flammarion Terminal - not an atypical Coriolis station by any measure. In fact one among countless in the galaxy. Like many others, on the exterior, beneath nigh impenetrable shields, there were several depressions out of which jutted a large keep. This building was unlike what dwellers planeside would call a tower, though it resembled one. In fact, a tower rose from the ground and one might stand on its top floor overlooking a vast landscape with many floors beneath. Upon a space station things were quite the opposite. Artificial gravity was created by the spin of the station and as such, inhabitants were pushed outward from the center. In this particular tower, the top floor was in fact the basement and in the most prestigious penthouse one stood on the ceiling of the top floor with nothing but the black underneath.

In one such building, indeed the most esteemed of all, at it's top floor was a library. Within, among an assortment of data terminals with access to the sum total of human knowledge, were a number of vacuum sealed display cases atop their own pedestals. Upon close inspection one would see ancient texts with titles such as "Moby Dick", "Don Quixote," and "The Great Gatsby." The entire length of one wall was a glass pane from ceiling to floor providing a breathtaking view of distant stars and the lifeless rock around which the station orbited. Staring out at those stars we join a minor noble lady of the Synteini Imperial Society, far from her childhood home.

The woman's most trusted slave, who had been with her since birth, entered the library, "Your excellency, my lady, there are gentlemen here to see the Lord."

Lady Electra Otoli, youngest daughter of Governor Christian Harrison of the displaced Synteini Imperial Society turned to face the much older woman, "He will not see anyone at this time Mary." Electra's makeup was smeared from tears she had wiped away earlier.

Mary sighed, "My lady, the gentleman in question will not leave. They will insist upon seeing the Lord."

Electra clenched her teeth, none of this was as she expected. Where was her glass dome and the throne her husband had promised? Certainly, the recently acquired station was a much better accommodation then the planet-side mining operation, a ghastly place with virtually none of the expected niceties - a steel tomb where only her small contingent of Hattori Clan guards were protecting her and her family from the throngs of adoring, and unkempt miners. In any case, all of it had come at great cost. The elections had been a landslide, just as was predicted. Daibais Patron's Principles had become quite unpopular from years of mismanagement and the proletariat was eager for new leadership. They were especially enthused that a famous corsair was leading the opposing faction. However, in spite of an overwhelming - and purportedly legitimate - victory at the polls, there were still those among the populace loyal to the unseated power. Electra's husband, and the newly elected ruler of Daibais, Prince Tharik Otoli, had been giving an acceptance speech on the main promenade within the shopping district of the station. Electra was in attendance with their three children. Tharik's speech was nearing the end when a wild-eyed ruffian approached the podium holding an ancient ceramic pistol of some sort. Primitive and even dangerous to operate, but largely undetectable by automated means. It was in this way the would be assassin was able to get close enough to attempt to carry out his grim mission. He only managed one shot before members of the crowd converged upon him and beat him near to death, but one shot was enough to grievously wound her husband and horrify her children. "I care not!! Send them away! My Tharik nearly died because of his own, as well as their, hunger for power and I shall not tolerate this anymore this eve! Send. Them. Away," she choked back tears as she shouted.

Mary could no longer contain herself, she had served her mistress for decades and was closest thing Electra had to a mother, "No Child!! You must understand! You are now Vicereine! What you think of the Lord's actions or those under his purview is of no consequence! There are millions of souls in this system that depend on steadfast leadership from you and your husband. You MUST see these men and bring them to the Lord."

"Tharik lies in our bed recovering from grave wounds! Why could we not stay on Ceimiess? When will my husbands thirst for power be quenched," Electra asked as she began to sob once again.

Mary exhaled deeply and responded with the soothing voice of a mother, "That is not my place to say Excellency, and it does not matter. His Excellency, the Viceroy, will recuperate in short order, the doctors were adamant about that fact, and he is currently able to receive visitors."

Electra acquiesed, "Aye Mary, I see the wisdom of it. We shall speak of this later. Send them in."

Mary exited the room and then swiftly retuned with six gentlemen trailing behind her. There was General Humberto Casey, leader of a military junta that held sway over much of the population. By his side was the freshly minted Governor-General Wolf Levisay, newly appointed in fact by Tharik, mere moments before the ill-fated assassination attempt. Close behind was Commodore Bill Boards, once the First Mate of the storied Justicar, now the commander of the entire Imperial Corsair fleet. He was followed by Captains Datta van Halen, Raphael Nadejda, and Grim Frost, highest ranking officers of the Imperial Corsairs after the Commodore. The two former were once mere crew aboard the Justicar, and the latter, an ambitious independent rogue who had pledged his Fleet Carrier to the Corsairs in exchange for his lofty post. Indeed, the Imperial plotting that had placed Tharik as Viceroy of Daibais had elevated them all.

Commodore Bill Boards bowed humbly and addressed Electra, "Apologies your Excellency, we wish to see the Lord to discuss the success of the Viper mock combat tourney in his honor, as well as our plans to expand our reach beyond this system."

Electra curtsied slightly in return, as was the custom given her new found position, one that she now regretted coveting, "You gentlemen are going to get people killed, again." She motioned to a door opposite and groaned, "Follow me."
Join the Adventures and have YOUR character featured in my logbooks, collectively titled, "The Adventures of Prince Tharik Otoli: Space Pirate." If any Commander, whether you RP / write fan fiction or not, would like to be included in my stories or perhaps even collaborate on a story to add to the richness of the Elite Universe, please PM me, Tharik Otoli. Thank you.
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