Logbook entry

Family First

07 Mar 2021Tharik Otoli
The Adventures of Prince Tharik Otoli: Space Pirate

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The Paresa system, home of Nova Imperium and the Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval. A traditionalist faction that once nearly tore the Empire asunder as they advocated for the ascension of their Imperator to the Imperial throne. This precipitated an Empire-wide purge of sympathizers to include the summary execution of several Senators, by order of the Emperor, by the hand of Denton Patreus, on the floor of the Senate House itself no less.

Yet, opinions on the matter vary widely and there was certainly no lack of disdain throughout the Empire for such draconian measures. As time went on, tempers cooled and a new threat presented itself. The political maneuvering of the much-beloved Princess Aisling Duval resulted in the acknowledgment of the Imperator's royal blood - although no title of Prince was given - and the Treaty of Paresa was signed, removing Nova Imperium's condemned status in exchange for a pledge of loyalty to the Emperor and a promise of support against the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army.

Nova Imperium's influence and power continued to grow as did their need to make alliances. Which, dear reader, brings to our story. On an idyllic tropical Isle, in an opulent suite, in the Imperator's winter mansion, we come upon the newly minted Viceroy of Daibais, and his wife the Vicereine, preparing for a ball in their honor.

Tharik stood in the bathroom of the lavish suite regarding himself in the mirror. On a table nearby laid the uniform of the military junta now ruling Daibais - which Tharik and his Imperial Corsairs had assumed control of - a black jacket with bluish-silver trim and an elaborate pattern of triangles along with an accompanying peaked cap. It was somewhat less colorful and more drab than the bright red of his Synteini Imperial Society garb, but more militant and foreboding. Tharik had donned the uniform's white shirt, with its ornate collar, but it remained unbuttoned bearing a large Imperial Eagle tattooed across his chest. A recent assassination attempt had left one of the bird's wings disfigured and Tharik ran his finger across the scar.

Electa Otoli hurried into the bathroom while affixing a pair of glittering serpentine earrings. She was wearing a tight fitting dress made of the same material and pattern of Tharik's uniform that accentuated her athletic build, typical of natives of Synteini A 2 and it's high gravity, "Oh husband, please leave it alone and get ready, we shall be late!"

Tharik sighed and began to button his shirt, "Aye, my love, sorry, strange that through all the combat I have endured both in the Imperial Marines and as a pilot, the first grave wound I receive occurs in my current role - one I thought would incur somewhat less risk." As soon as the words left his mouth he realized his mistake and fully expected Electra's forthcoming concerns.

"Indeed love, and more importantly, right in front of your children and I," Electra's tone was less than approving, "We should have stayed on Cemiess Tharik! I thought I lost you!"

Tharik turned to Electra and grasped her shoulders pulling her close, "Ahh nonsense my love! 'Twould take more than a mere bullet to stop me!" Tharik beat his fist against his chest right over the scar and then winced at the pain that followed.

Electra pushed herself away and frowned, "'Tis not funny Tharik! You were lucky." Electra sighed, "What if next time you are not so fortunate?"

Tharik nodded, understanding her concerns, "Aye love, I do intend to always wear a personal shield in public henceforth. Consider it a lesson learned." Tharik reached for and donned his jacket, "Death can come anytime, anywhere dear, but certainly I intend to be more careful." He reached for his peaked cap and affixed it to his head, admiring his new uniform in the mirror, "Now then my love, we sha'nt keep the Imperator waiting!"

A wry smile graced the Vicereine's face, "Ahh indeed husband! I have been looking forward to seeing Hadrian again."

Tharik raised an eyebrow, "Hadrian is it? Just how well acquainted did you become with the Imperator upon your last visit to Paresa?"

Electra coyly batted her eyelashes and grinned, "Husband what are you implying? Oh my! Are you jealous?"

Tharik cringed, "Do I have anything to be jealous about?"

Electra laughed and threw herself into his arms, "Oh don't be a fool husband! I love you and would never tear our family apart over a boy such as the Imperator, in spite of the fact that his dominion doth outstrip our own by a substantial margin, not to mention he is of royal blood..." Electra's taunts trailed off.

Tharik ignored his wife's jibes and held her tightly, after all, she had paid him a compliment, "A boy, you say?"

"Indeed love, he is half mine age, and you will always be my man. Now let's away my Viceroy, we mustn't keep actual royals waiting, titled or otherwise," Electra let loose her grasp and pulled her husband by his hand leading him out of the suite and onto the festivities. 

Join the Adventures and have YOUR character featured in my logbooks, collectively titled, "The Adventures of Prince Tharik Otoli: Space Pirate." If any Commander, whether you RP / write fan fiction or not, would like to be included in my stories or perhaps even collaborate on a story to add to the richness of the Elite Universe, please PM me, Tharik Otoli. Thank you.
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