Logbook entry


11 Oct 2021Sadetar



Date: 11.10.3307
Location: Toci, Tosi Hide
Ship: The Wasp, SSL-2

I'd prepared my new Adder, calculated today's route, and had already done the first three stops, when my 'boss' called. They wanted me to drop my route and head straight to Alcor to contribute to the Bridge Project. I told them Alcor was in fact the last stop on my list, but that I needed to keep couple of the other stops, as I was going to take medicines into systems with outbreaks. They waved it off, saying that it didn't matter, as the long term benefits of the Bridge took priority over my short term plans, and the systems weren't even within their faction's space. They then told me to get to it and cut the call.

Words cannot begin to describe how infuriated I was by their callousness, so I won't try. Suffice to say, I didn't truly listen. I did cut out some of the stops in my plan, but none of the outbreak systems. And while I did do business in Alcor, I highly doubt it was even a third of what my sponsor would've wanted.

I realise this will come back to bite me, but I find myself not really caring.

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