Logbook entry


05 May 2022Sadetar



Date: 5.5.3308
Location: Leesti, Chariot of Rhea
Ship: Wonder Bird, SSL-4

Taking part in humanitarian efforts like this makes me feel surprisingly content. Although Sirius has been a big driving force for recent events and jobs and it worries me, I couldn't just... not help with this. I hope it won't come back to bite me. I don't even really think so.
Even if not that many pilots took part, let alone temporarily got a whole new ship just for hauling, there was more traffic than I expected towards the end. To that one pilot who almost lost their mission bonus because of my being on the station's only large pad; sorry about that. As to why a Type-7 even goes on a large, well, it's about 5 meters too tall for a medium pad. It's silly, I know.

I haven't been feeling the best lately, even though I've got more done these first five months of the year than all of last year, but I'm hoping a quick break will help me to get back on my feet. If I'm even allowed a break, that is. Maybe I just need to convince my boss it's to forge new connections on the market, and politically too. That might actually work.

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