Logbook entry


19 Jul 2022Sadetar



Date: 19.7.3308
Location: HIP 13644, Davis Gateway
Ship: Teddy's Dream, SSL-3

I have been taking part in a large mission, and been actively working and communicating with others, which for me is quite new. I'm used to doing things solo, past communications have been casual chats with other traders or random 'oh hello i didn't realise anyone else was here'-type events. The groups goals are fairly new to me as well. Commander McCoy's arguments were rather persuasive, though I wouldn't say I now have a passion for preventing Thargoid from being wiped out. Though I'd prefer if they weren't, primarily because the Explorer in me wants to be able to satisfy their curiosity for... well, everything in the galaxy. I don't want ruins and corpses to be the only places of information when it comes to other species. And even if they don't work out, I think current attempts to protect and communicate with the Thargoids are to be lauded.

I'm uncertain how much my efforts have helped, since I am still very much under the Federation and my sponsor's thumb, but I intend to continue helping the group whenever I can. Things seem to be spiralling out of control rather fast. I fear whatever Salvation and Azimuth Biotech end up achieving will simply add more fuel to the fire, as it were.

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