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Proto Light Alloys

Specialist component developed during economic boom. Known to be salvaged from signal sources.

Proto light alloys are experimental alloy techniques used to reduce the required mass for the alloy.

︎ Rare

Used in blueprints
Used in synthesis
Used in exp. effects
Used in upgrades
Used for engineers
Used for tech broker
USS (High grade emissions), Mission reward
Higher chance in Boom system states

Used in blueprints

Life SupportLightweight4
Life SupportLightweight5
Beam LaserLightweight4
Beam LaserLightweight5
Burst LaserLightweight4
Burst LaserLightweight5
Manifest ScannerLightweight4
Manifest ScannerLightweight5
Chaff LauncherLightweight4
Chaff LauncherLightweight5
Electronic CountermeasureLightweight4
Electronic CountermeasureLightweight5
Heat Sink LauncherLightweight4
Heat Sink LauncherLightweight5
Point DefenceLightweight4
Point DefenceLightweight5
Fragment CannonLightweight4
Fragment CannonLightweight5
Frame Shift Wake ScannerLightweight4
Frame Shift Wake ScannerLightweight5
Kill Warrant ScannerLightweight4
Kill Warrant ScannerLightweight5
Mine LauncherLightweight4
Mine LauncherLightweight5
Seeker Missile RackLightweight4
Seeker Missile RackLightweight5
Plasma AcceleratorLightweight4
Plasma AcceleratorLightweight5
Pulse LaserLightweight4
Pulse LaserLightweight5
Rail GunLightweight4
Rail GunLightweight5
Torpedo PylonLightweight4
Torpedo PylonLightweight5
Collector Limpet ControllerLightweight4
Collector Limpet ControllerLightweight5
Fuel Transfer Limpet ControllerLightweight4
Fuel Transfer Limpet ControllerLightweight5
Hatch Breaker Limpet ControllerLightweight4
Hatch Breaker Limpet ControllerLightweight5
Prospector Limpet ControllerLightweight4
Prospector Limpet ControllerLightweight5
Detailed Surface ScannerExpanded probe scanning radius4
Missile RackLightweight4
Missile RackLightweight5
Caustic Sink LauncherLightweight4
Caustic Sink LauncherLightweight5

Used in modifications

No known modifications

Used in upgrades

No known upgrades

Used in synthesis

No known synthesis recipes

Used for tech broker unlocks

No known technology broker unlocks.

Components in the same location

USS (High grade emissions)TypeGrade/Cost
Core Dynamics CompositesManufactured︎ Very rare
Imperial ShieldingManufactured︎ Very rare
Military Grade AlloysManufactured︎ Very rare
Military SupercapacitorsManufactured︎ Very rare
Proprietary CompositesManufactured︎ Rare
Proto Heat RadiatorsManufactured︎ Very rare
Proto Light AlloysManufactured︎ Rare
Proto Radiolic AlloysManufactured︎ Very rare
Mission rewardTypeGrade/Cost
ArsenicRaw︎ Common
GermaniumRaw︎ Common
ManganeseRaw︎ Common
MolybdenumRaw︎ Standard
NiobiumRaw︎ Standard
PoloniumRaw︎ Rare
SeleniumRaw︎ Rare
Biotech ConductorsManufactured︎ Very rare
Chemical ProcessorsManufactured︎ Common
Compound ShieldingManufactured︎ Rare
Conductive PolymersManufactured︎ Rare
Exquisite Focus CrystalsManufactured︎ Very rare
Galvanising AlloysManufactured︎ Common
Grid ResistorsManufactured︎ Very common
Heat Conduction WiringManufactured︎ Very common
Heat Dispersion PlateManufactured︎ Common
Heat VanesManufactured︎ Rare
Hybrid CapacitorsManufactured︎ Common
Imperial ShieldingManufactured︎ Very rare
Improvised ComponentsManufactured︎ Very rare
Mechanical ScrapManufactured︎ Very common
Military Grade AlloysManufactured︎ Very rare
Pharmaceutical IsolatorsManufactured︎ Very rare
Polymer CapacitorsManufactured︎ Rare
Precipitated AlloysManufactured︎ Standard
Proprietary CompositesManufactured︎ Rare
Proto Heat RadiatorsManufactured︎ Very rare
Proto Light AlloysManufactured︎ Rare
Refined Focus CrystalsManufactured︎ Rare
Shielding SensorsManufactured︎ Standard
Thermic AlloysManufactured︎ Rare
Aberrant Shield Pattern AnalysisEncoded︎ Rare
Abnormal Compact Emissions DataEncoded︎ Very rare
Anomalous Bulk Scan DataEncoded︎ Very common
Anomalous FSD TelemetryEncoded︎ Common
Atypical Disrupted Wake EchoesEncoded︎ Very common
Classified Scan FragmentEncoded︎ Very rare
Cracked Industrial FirmwareEncoded︎ Standard
Datamined Wake ExceptionsEncoded︎ Very rare
Decoded Emission DataEncoded︎ Rare
Distorted Shield Cycle RecordingsEncoded︎ Very common
Divergent Scan DataEncoded︎ Rare
Exceptional Scrambled Emission DataEncoded︎ Very common
Inconsistent Shield Soak AnalysisEncoded︎ Common
Irregular Emission DataEncoded︎ Common
Modified Consumer FirmwareEncoded︎ Common
Modified Embedded FirmwareEncoded︎ Very rare
Open Symmetric KeysEncoded︎ Standard
Peculiar Shield Frequency DataEncoded︎ Very rare
Security Firmware PatchEncoded︎ Rare
Specialised Legacy FirmwareEncoded︎ Very common
Strange Wake SolutionsEncoded︎ Standard
Tagged Encryption CodesEncoded︎ Common
Unusual Encrypted FilesEncoded︎ Very common
AerogelChemicals︎ 9
Chemical CatalystChemicals︎ 7
Chemical SuperbaseChemicals︎ 9
EpinephrineChemicals︎ 5
Epoxy AdhesiveChemicals︎ 5
GrapheneChemicals︎ 23
Oxygenic BacteriaChemicals︎ 5
pH NeutraliserChemicals︎ 5
RDXChemicals︎ 7
Viscoelastic PolymerChemicals︎ 11
Circuit BoardCircuits︎ 9
Circuit SwitchCircuits︎ 4
Electrical FuseCircuits︎ 5
Electrical WiringCircuits︎ 9
ElectromagnetCircuits︎ 9
Ion BatteryCircuits︎ 9
Metal CoilCircuits︎ 9
Micro SupercapacitorCircuits︎ 5
Micro TransformerCircuits︎ 7
MicroelectrodeCircuits︎ 16
MotorCircuits︎ 5
Optical FibreCircuits︎ 11
Carbon Fibre PlatingTech︎ 11
Encrypted Memory ChipTech︎ 4
Memory ChipTech︎ 4
Micro HydraulicsTech︎ 7
Micro ThrustersTech︎ 5
Optical LensTech︎ 9
ScramblerTech︎ 5
Titanium PlatingTech︎ 11
TransmitterTech︎ 5
Tungsten CarbideTech︎ 11
Weapon ComponentTech︎ 18