Galnet archive

The Declaration of Archon Delaine

At the Galactic Summit, the infamous pirate leader Archon Delaine has demanded to be accepted as the legitimate leader of a political power.

A gap in the schedule allowed him to make an address in the main conference chamber:

“Most of you see me as a common criminal, rather than the rightful ruler of multiple systems. That must end now! My efforts to build a Kumo nation deserve respect. I am here to declare my sovereignty and take my rightful place on the political stage.”

This was immediately dismissed by many delegations. Princess Aisling Duval said this was a barbaric mockery of nobility, while Shadow President Winters asked how much bloodshed the pirates had caused to obtain their power. Archon Delaine replied:

“Are you all so innocent, then? Every civilisation begins with barbarism, and maintains authority with the threat of violence. None of you can say otherwise. We all wear a crown of bones.”

There followed intense debate as to whether the Kumo Crew’s territory could be recognised as a new nation-state or was simply a rebranded crime syndicate. There is suspicion that some of the many criminal vessels detected in the Sirius system are from Delaine’s pirate fleet.

The Federal and Imperial delegations have offered to remove Archon Delaine’s retinue, only to be reminded that Sirius Corporation has granted them full diplomatic immunity.

Archon Delaine Gatecrashes the Galactic Summit

Pirate warlord Archon Delaine has unexpectedly appeared at the diplomatic conference and demanded to participate as a political delegate.

Delaine is the leader of the Kumo Crew, a notorious crime syndicate that controls dozens of systems. Their arrival at Patterson Enterprise station initially caused many delegations’ security teams to begin evacuations.

However, representatives of the Sirius Corporation called for calm and delivered this message:

“We have vouchsafed Archon Delaine’s presence and extended full diplomatic immunity to his retinue. As with all attendees, they are expected to abide by our rules and etiquettes.”

This reassurance did not prevent several ambassadors from walking out in protest. Some accused Sirius Corporation of striking a deal with Delaine to prevent even more pirate vessels from swarming through the Sirius system.

Mainstream newsfeeds also covered the impact of Delaine’s arrival.

The Imperial Herald: “Senator Patreus officially complained about ‘the repulsive sight of pirate scum strolling alongside respectable politicians’. However, Chancellor Blaine agreed that Delaine could address the conference, albeit under close scrutiny.”

The Federal Times: “Neither Hudson nor Winters have commented on Delaine’s appearance, but the security chief for the Federal delegation remarked: ‘One wrong step and we’ll put some big holes right through their immunity.’”

The Alliance Tribune: “This is an unwelcome distraction from Prime Minister Mahon’s proposal for Aegis’s remit to be enormously expanded. The Sirius Treaty will fully unite superpowers, corporations and independent systems against the Thargoids – assuming that Mahon can convince his fellow leaders to agree.”

Pirates vs Thargoids?

A new independent report suggests that piracy has declined across occupied space since the return of the Thargoids.

Dr Jin Rameer, who runs a socio-political think tank, made the following observations in her report:

“Statistics show a significant reduction in piracy and criminal behaviour since the Thargoid presence was confirmed. But the reason has not come under scrutiny until now.”

“Has the presence of an alien threat dampened felons’ appetite for preying on fellow humans? It’s widely understood that communities become stronger when faced with a common enemy, so perhaps one positive consequence of the Thargoids’ return is the dissolution of barriers between social groups.”

“Alternatively, those attracted to piracy may find a greater – and less morally troubling – thrill in turning their weapons on non-human targets. Whether or not their motives are altruistic, criminal elements may be transforming into defenders of the very societies they have previously terrorised.”

But a spokesperson for security forces in the Pegasi Sector responded:

“Dr Rameer needs to get out of her comfortable office and into the black. The Kumo Crew have raided dozens of systems in recent months, taking advantage of the fact that our forces are tied up with the Thargoids. Believe me, Archon Delaine sees the Thargoids as an opportunity, not a common enemy. The pirates don’t care if the galaxy burns, as long as their pockets are full.”

Community Goal: Gandii in Chaos

Recent reports from the Gandii system indicate that conflict has erupted between the Hand Gang of Gandii, an organisation closely allied with self-styled 'pirate king' Archon Delaine, and the Gandii Justice Party.

This is not the first time the Gandii Justice Party has traded blows with the Hand Gang of Gandii, although the scale of the conflict dwarfs that of previous skirmishes.

Security forces in Gandii released the following statement:

"Our operatives have confirmed that both factions are offering privateer bonds to combat pilots who support their cause. But naturally we do not condone any course of action that could escalate, or perpetuate, this conflict."

Both the Hand Gang of Gandii and the Gandii Justice Party have set out week-long operations to overcome their rivals, which will begin on the 6th of April 3303.

Freelance Report: Give and Take

Today marked Kumo Tribute Day, which sees representatives from systems under the control of Archon Delaine curry favour with the Pirate Lord by presenting him with lavish gifts.

Highlights included the presentation of several Imperial aristocrats, an assortment of rare narcotics and even a live barnacle. One system gifted a gold-plated Federal Corvette equipped with experimental weapons, much to the Pirate Lord's approval.

But several systems were unable to present anything of value, having fallen on difficult times. One unlucky official named Ferdinand Haim, representing the Lusonda system, arrived empty handed, pledging his system's undying loyalty as tribute. As silence descended, the Pirate Lord thanked Haim for his gift before ordering him to prove his loyalty by taking his own life.

As Haim's dead body was removed, one pirate joked: "There's always one who plays the loyalty card. Who do they think we are – the Empire?"

Commander Gan

The Privateer | Interstellar Press

Freelance Report: Give and Take

Today marked Kumo Tribute Day, which sees representatives from systems under the control of Archon Delaine curry favour with the Pirate Lord by presenting him with lavish gifts.

Highlights included the presentation of several Imperial aristocrats, an assortment of rare narcotics and even a live barnacle. One system gifted a gold-plated Federal Corvette equipped with experimental weapons, much to the Pirate Lord's approval.

But several systems were unable to present anything of value, having fallen on difficult times. One unlucky official named Ferdinad Haim, representing the Lusonda system, arrived empty handed, pledging his system's undying loyalty as tribute. As silence descended, the Pirate Lord thanked Haim for his gift before ordering him to prove his loyalty by taking his own life.

As Haim's dead body was removed, one pirate joked: "There's always one who plays the loyalty card. Who do they think we are - the Empire?"

Commander Gan

The Privateer | Interstellar Press

Community Goal: The Battle of Daramo

The Daramo system is currently under Federal control, but recent reports indicate that both Imperial and independent forces – the latter under the rule of Pirate King Archon Delaine – are attempting to wrest power from the Federation.

The Federation is evidently not about to capitulate. In a statement, Admiral Yorke of the Federal Navy said:

"The Daramo system is of considerable strategic value to the Federation, and we will not surrender it without a fight. We have issued an emergency call to all Federation-aligned pilots – you are needed in Daramo!"

The Empire, predictably, has responded in kind. Captain Danvers of the Imperial Navy said:

"In the interest of the wellbeing of the citizens of Daramo, it is imperative that Imperial law be instated as soon as possible. If the Federation is allowed to retain control of the system, the people of Daramo will be sure to suffer."

The Independents of Daramo have stepped in to coordinate operations on behalf of the Federation, while the Vaka Citizens of Tradition have been authorised to oversee the Imperial campaign. Both factions have set out week-long operations to take control of the system, which will begin on the 23rd of June 3302.

Community Goal: The Dangerous Games Begin

The galaxy is home to countless factions, some boasting thousands of members and others comprising only a handful of individuals. Some exist to serve the galactic community, while others follow more antagonistic dogmas. For almost every creed in human space, there is a corresponding faction.

Recent reports indicate that the largest of these factions have gained such significant levels of power and influence that they are on the cusp of being recognized as powers in their own right. This development coincides with mounting speculation that the empire of Pirate Lord Archon Delaine, once the most formidable power in the Pegasi Sector, is on the brink of collapse.

With a paradigm shift looming, the largest of the galaxy's factions have taken the unprecedented step of organising a semi-official competition for the right to be recognised as an official power. The name of this competition? The Dangerous Games.

Trinity Avon, a reporter for The Sovereign, elaborated on the nature of the event:

"There are five factions competing in the Dangerous Games: the Alliance Elite Diplomatic Corps, the Border Coalition, GalCop, the Interstellar Communist Union and the Social Eleu Progressive Party. Between June and July 3302, these groups will participate in a series of community campaigns, giving the galaxy's independent pilots a chance to support their chosen faction."

But these will not be the only factions taking part. With the start of the event still some weeks away, a number of smaller factions have begun competing for their chance to participate in the Dangerous Games. In the coming weeks, these factions will attempt to rally Commanders to their respective causes through a series of community-oriented events. Whichever faction successfully dominates its rivals in these 'Wildcard' events will enter the Dangerous Games, competing for the right to join the ranks of the galaxy's most powerful.

The first Wildcard event requires pilots to fire up their mining lasers and gather gold for their chosen faction. The faction with the most gold at the end of the week-long campaign will be declared the victor of the first Wildcard heat. Naturally, pilots are also free to disrupt their rivals' efforts.

The event begins on the 2nd of June 3302 and will run for one week.