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Reorte Mining Coalition Proposes Independence

The Reorte Mining Coalition wants to cut ties with the Alliance in protest against the military defence pact with Sirius Corporation.

Vox Galactica featured an announcement from the faction’s CEO, Fergus Cassidy:

“The pact’s three-month probationary period is clearly a ruse. It is designed to allow time for Sirius agents to bribe, convince or threaten Allied decision-makers into accepting Li Yong-Rui’s presence. We’d rather become an independent faction than allow this greedy and untrustworthy company into Reorte space.”

Councillor Ainsley Niven, who represents Reorte, told the Assembly:

“Obviously I have argued against this extreme move, but I cannot ignore the strength of feeling from the system’s governing faction. For Reorte Mining Coalition leaders, leaving the Alliance is less risky than allowing Sirius Corporation to become embedded in the system’s infrastructure.”

Vanya Driscoll, political correspondent for The Alliance Tribune, reported:

“There are already wild rumours that this situation might spark mass declarations of independence, similar to the Federation’s secession crisis last year. But there is no indication as yet that these events will play out quite so dramatically.”

“What is certain, however, is how damaging this is for Prime Minister Mahon’s campaign to promote acceptance of Sirius Corporation. A historically significant system such as Reorte withdrawing from the Alliance would likely sour the megacorp’s reputation with those it seeks to impress.”

Trial Period Agreed for Alliance-Sirius Pact

The Alliance and Sirius Corporation have negotiated a three-month probationary period for its proposed anti-xeno defence agreement.

In response to a summons by Councillor Nakato Kaine, CEO Li Yong-Rui appeared in person before the Assembly. As part of a longer speech he stated:

“I fully understand that, in order to be effective, the strategic defence pact requires broader political support. But to share its details before the Alliance can experience its benefits may lead to hasty decisions.”

“Instead, we propose that Sirius Corporation is provided with an opportunity to demonstrate how we can enhance Allied security against the Thargoids. At the end of a contractually defined period of time, the Assembly can review the pact and decide whether or not to continue with our partnership.”

Following further discussions, Yong-Rui accepted that the probationary period would be reduced to three months from the originally suggested six. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon expressed his gratitude that a solution had been reached.

Councillor Ainsley Niven, representing the Reorte system, sounded a cautionary note:

“Frankly, some Allied factions won’t tolerate Sirius’s presence for three minutes let alone three months. I fear that this will not be enough to convince all of our member systems to cooperate.”

Mahon Reprimanded over Reorte Conflict

The Alliance Assembly has delivered an official rebuke to its prime minister following the recent skirmish in the Reorte system.

There have been heated debates following the conflict between Reorte Mining Coalition and Sirius Corporation. This was triggered by the megacorp’s unpopular attempt to establish a presence in the system as an anti-xeno defence partner.

Councillor Nakato Kaine led a motion to censure against Prime Minister Edmund Mahon, which successfully passed with a plurality of votes after some abstentions. The strongly-worded reprimand focused on ‘disregarding the Alliance’s principles by unilaterally forcing cooperation with Sirius Corporation’.

After Mahon formally accepted the reprimand, Councillor Kaine addressed the Assembly:

“This body does not have the right to govern its member systems without their consent. The strategic defence pact must become civil legislation rather than a military contract, so it can be passed as law.”

“I call upon Li Yong-Rui to agree to these terms, or else to abandon the pact and remove Sirius Corporation’s forces from the Alioth, Arimpox, Di Jian and Leesti systems.”

Concerns Raised over Alliance-Sirius Pact

The recent battle in the Reorte system has caused Sirius Corporation to question the terms of its partnership with the Alliance.

The Alliance Tribune’s political correspondent Vanya Driscoll reported:

“When Sirius Corporation megaships arrived in four Allied systems, it’s fair to assume they anticipated a degree of public resistance. But being directly attacked by the Reorte Mining Coalition clearly wasn’t part of their risk assessment.”

“Li Yong-Rui has urgently sought assurances from the Alliance that such conflicts will not happen again. The megacorp’s CEO claimed that he has a duty to protect his employees from aggression by their own clients.”

“In response, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon personally guaranteed that this unfortunate incident was a one-off, stressing that Sirius personnel have been welcomed in the Alioth, Arimpox and Di Jian systems. He added that the Alliance Defence Force is working closely with Admiral Nikolas Glass, the Sirius Navy’s representative.”

“But others in the Assembly are now openly questioning the wisdom of the strategic defence pact. Although Councillor Nakato Kaine’s opposition to Mahon is often viewed as predictable, more members now agree with her that many Allied factions will reject the assertion that Sirius Corporation is an ally to be trusted.”

Sirius Corporation Ejected from Reorte

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The Reorte Mining Coalition has succeeded in forcing Sirius Corporation to withdraw from the Reorte system.

Despite the megacorp’s strategic defence pact with the Alliance, Reorte’s controlling faction claimed the Sirius megaship Chariot of Rhea was an illegal intruder. This resulted in open conflict, which has ended with Sirius Corporation’s defeat.

Fergus Cassidy, CEO of the Reorte Mining Coalition, transmitted this message:

“With the support of many brave pilots, we have prevented Sirius from sinking its claws into the Reorte system. I hope our victory will convince the Alliance’s leaders to think twice about their deal with the devil.”

Captain Delfina Dominguez has confirmed that Sirius Corporation has started to withdraw from Reorte. The megaship Chariot of Rhea will leave Reorte and jump to the Leesti system pending further discussions with Allied leaders.

Sources have confirmed that permits to the Alioth and Sirius systems have been allocated to independent pilots depending on the faction they supported during the conflict.

The Assembly has held emergency meetings to debate this turn of events. Councillor Ainsley Niven, who represents the Reorte system, delivered a warning to Prime Minister Mahon:

“You have invited Sirius Corporation to provide military aid against the Thargoids, but without seeking the approval of those we are pledged to protect. That is not the way of the Alliance, no matter how grave the threat.”

Conflict Erupts in the Reorte System

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The Reorte Mining Coalition has declared its intent to remove the Sirius Corporation presence from its home system.

The megaship Chariot of Rhea arrived in Reorte as part of Sirius Corporation’s new role as the Alliance’s strategic defence partner. But the system’s controlling faction ordered it to withdraw. The megaship’s non-compliance has resulted in skirmishes targeting Sirius forces.

Fergus Cassidy, CEO of the Reorte Mining Coalition, announced:

“We fully support Councillor Kaine’s position that Sirius Corporation is operating illegally under Alliance law. Therefore, we will defend our territory from this aggressive foreign entity.”

A response was broadcast by Captain Delfina Dominguez of the Sirius Navy, who commands the Chariot of Rhea:

“Our presence is authorised by the military contract between Sirius Corporation and the Alliance Defence Force. If local forces continue to attack, we will have no option but to defend our assets.”

The fighting is not believed to have reached surface level and is expected to remain a ship-based conflict.

To rally support from independent pilots, both factions are offering access to permit-locked systems. Reorte Mining Coalition will sponsor distribution of an Alioth system permit, while Sirius Corporation will authorise a permit to the Sirius system.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has ordered the Reorte Mining Coalition to cease hostilities immediately. However, Councillor Ainsley Niven – who represents Reorte in the Assembly and is a political supporter of Nakato Kaine – claims that the faction has the right to protect its territory, since it was not invited to ratify the defence pact.

Sirius Gov Enters the Alioth System

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has invited Sirius Corporation to establish a permanent presence within the Alliance.

The Alliance Tribune’s political correspondent Vanya Driscoll reported:

“Sirius Corporation’s new role as a strategic defence partner has expanded swiftly, with a Sirius faction established in the Alioth system to represent the megacorp. In addition, several megaships have arrived in other Allied systems to provide support.”

“The Alliance Defence Force and some government departments now have official advisors from Sirius Corporation on their staff. Prime Minister Mahon announced that these developments will streamline joint operations with the Sirius Navy, and in turn provide effective countermeasures against Thargoid aggression.”

“But Councillor Nakato Kaine claims that the presence of Sirius Gov is illegal as it was not ratified by the Assembly. She has pointed out that since the defence pact makes this a classified military matter, any civil action to reverse Mahon’s executive decision has been deliberately blocked.”

Sirius Navy Unites with Alliance Defence Force

A new member has been appointed to the Council of Admirals to represent Sirius Corporation as the Alliance’s strategic defence partner.

Political correspondent Vanya Driscoll reported for The Alliance Tribune:

“There are always six seats on the Council of Admirals, taken by senior military commanders from the largest regional fleets. Not only is this the first time that a seventh position has been created, it’s also the first to come from outside the Alliance.”

“The new addition is Admiral Nikolas Glass, a highly decorated officer with the Sirius Navy. His new role is to coordinate the Alliance’s anti-Thargoid operations, which from now on will be directly supported by Sirius Corporation.”

“Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Fleet Admiral Hayley Sorokin both endorsed this development as a way of strengthening the Alliance Defence Force, which lacks the might of the Federal or Imperial Navy. Many member systems have demanded increased protection against the Thargoid threat, so this news is likely to be well received.”

“As expected, Councillor Nakato Kaine opposed the defence pact, with Admiral George Varma also critical of ‘merging commercial interests with military matters’. Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran also admitted that she abstained during the recent joint vote, but chose not to elaborate on her reasons. So it seems that the Assembly is not fully confident about this union with Sirius Corporation.”