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Alliance and Sirius Agree Defence Pact

Sirius Corporation has signed an agreement to provide the Alliance with ships, materials and personnel to help combat the Thargoids.

The Alliance Assembly and the Council of Admirals held a rare joint vote on the issue of inviting the megacorp to become a strategic defence partner. The motion was debated in private and reportedly passed by a slim majority.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon told The Alliance Tribune:

“The danger posed by the Thargoids is increasing once more, perhaps accelerated by the loss of Aegis and a lack of any binding treaty between the superpowers. It is vital that we make a proactive decision to maintain security for Alliance systems.”

“Sirius Corporation will work closely with the Alliance Defence Force to reinforce our member vessels, focusing exclusively on anti-xeno operations. In return, new commercial agreements will provide the company with increased access to certain financial endeavours.”

Councillor Nakato Kaine spoke on behalf of several disapproving members of the Assembly:

“We are already too entwined with this ruthless corporate giant, so to hand our defences over to them is another blow to the Alliance’s identity. It is also convenient that the details of the pact remain classified under military restrictions. We don’t even know what price we’re paying to hire Sirius to be our guard dog.”

A Retrospective of 3307 (Part Two)

Continuing a series of articles by historian Sima Kalhana that look at the most newsworthy events during the past year.

“April 3307 saw the creation of the Federation’s Proactive Detection Bureau in reaction to the Nine Martyrs bombings. This organisation monitored all public and private communications for evidence of terrorists, to prevent similar attacks in future. But its highly controversial nature would soon present the Federation with new challenges.”

“ACT’s investigation led them to the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid, which had helped deliver the caustic enzyme bombs to their nine targets. The faction’s defeat was an early victory against the NMLA, but much of the organisation remained a mystery.”

“When the ‘ghost ship’ Adamastor began receiving an encoded signal, this began an entire saga of mysteries. Its long-lost sister ship, the Hesperus, was soon located by pilots who had been recruited by an anonymous figure named Salvation. His interest in Azimuth Biochemicals, the 200 year old corporation that owned both vessels, would bring a strange twist to the ongoing Thargoid conflict.”

“In May, Hadrian Duval was targeted by Federal forces after accusations that he was the mastermind behind the NMLA. The spectre of Empire-Federation war rose once again as Nova Imperium successfully defended itself, but ACT concluded that evidence had been falsified to implicate Hadrian and his new wife Lady Astrid.”

“Aegis came under intense scrutiny when the megaship Alexandria, laden with newly collected Guardian artefacts, began attracting Thargoids in every system it jumped to. The Alexandria later vanished completely in hyperspace, and to this day remains missing presumed destroyed.”

“The Alliance election finally took place at the end of May, having been delayed by three months due to the Galactic Summit. Councillor Nakato Kaine fought a spirited campaign, but Edmund Mahon was re-elected to serve a second term as prime minister.”

“Supporters of Neo-Marlinism gained a voice in June, when Minister Aaron Whyte offered a peace deal with the Empire to prevent further terrorism. The idea of a political wing of the NMLA gained support from those fearing further bombings, but opened major rifts within the Marlinist Colonies.”

“Salvation once again contacted pilots to track down survivors from the Hesperus. This led to the discovery of an ancient Guardian-Thargoid battleground, where Azimuth scientists had built a research base around their vessel Proteus. All were killed by unusual experiments into weaponising Guardian crystals.”

“The Proactive Detection Bureau had been generally accepted by Federal citizens, but many claimed it was a violation of civil liberties. Halfway through the year, the Azaladshu Free faction took the bold step of seceding from the Federation, thus triggering the possibility of mass rebellion.”

New Phase for Alliance-Sirius Partnership

The Alliance Assembly has invited Sirius Corporation to collaborate on enhancing protection for member systems against the Thargoids.

Political journalist Vanya Driscoll reported on the development for The Alliance Tribune:

“Sirius Corporation has been a key partner in the Alliance’s expansion programme. Most notably, its subsidiary Sirius Atmospherics helped establish colonies in the Coalsack Nebula to support meta-alloy harvesting.”

“But according to insiders, the suspension of Aegis and the increasing Thargoid presence has raised fears that Alliance systems may be vulnerable to xeno invasion. This has led to Prime Minister Edmund Mahon suggesting a strategic defence contract with the megacorp.”

“In response, CEO Li Yong-Rui himself has travelled to the Alioth system. It’s understood that high-level discussions are taking place on ways in which the company might augment the Alliance Defence Force’s capabilities.”

“Councillor Nakato Kaine, Mahon’s political rival, has repeated her claim that Sirius Corporation has a disturbing amount of influence over some council members. She fears that private agreements are being made behind closed doors, and has called for increased transparency.”

Empire Marks Anniversary of NMLA Attacks

A day of mourning has been declared across the Empire to mark the first anniversary of the NMLA’s Imperial starport bombings.

On Thursday the 10th of September 3306, Imperial stations in the Cemiess, Gabjaujis, LHS 4031 and Rabh systems were attacked without warning. Over sixty thousand people were killed and twice as many wounded by powerful explosives that delivered a caustic enzyme payload.

The Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army is an extremist paramilitary group that is dedicated to reforming Marlin Duval’s original republican government. Prior to these bombings, it had only performed minor strikes with low casualties.

The NMLA’s terror campaign grew to encompass all three superpowers with the Nine Martyrs attacks in March 3307. It also led to supporters of Marlinism fleeing from the Empire as refugees, eventually resettling in the Marlinist Colonies.

Princess Aisling Duval paid respects to the victims during a memorial ceremony at her palace on Emerald. She also spoke of her father Prince Harold Duval, who was assassinated by the NMLA shortly after the bombings.

Messages of condolence have been sent by President Zachary Hudson, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon, Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval and First Minister Octavia Volkov. All vowed to continue contributing resources to ACT, which recently shut down many terrorist cells. Coupled with the loss of its political wing, the NMLA threat may finally be diminishing.

Mahon: Sirius Treaty Would Save Aegis

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has commented on the Aegis inquiry and his failed proposal to unify anti-xeno operations.

As part of an interview with The Alliance Tribune, he said:

“The greatest regret of my career is that I was unable to formalise the Sirius Treaty at the Galactic Summit. This would have revolutionised Aegis by providing the commitment and resources it deserves, sparing it the indignity of a public inquiry.”

“The Nine Martyrs attacks prevented that historic occasion, of course, but the Sirius Treaty itself remains viable. I’d be happy to ratify it on behalf of the Alliance if we can convince the other signatories that defending humanity from the Thargoid threat should be our utmost priority.”

Investigators continue to gather information regarding Aegis’s operations. There have been further resignations of key staff, and financial records are being independently audited.

Dr Paul Baumann, chair of the board of inquiry, confirmed that charges of criminal negligence could be brought against key figures within Aegis given sufficient evidence. However, there is uncertainty as to which court would deal with legal proceedings for a tri-superpower organisation.

New Alliance Starports Become Operational

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Two Alliance stations have been constructed following a successful re-election campaign by Prime Minister Edmund Mahon.

Enterprise Market in the LHS 2522 system and Prosperity Core in the Sharru Sector FW-W c1-19 system are now fully operational. Prime Minister Mahon welcomed visitors to the new starports, promising that they would “further enhance the Alliance’s commitment to creating opportunities”.

However, Councillor Nakato Kaine triggered heated debate in the Alliance Assembly when she made this announcement:

“My investigation turned up irregularities in the tritium mining campaign, suggesting that it only received enough deliveries to allow one starport to be built. Furthermore, docking records seem to indicate that Sirius Corporation made up the shortfall with a number of unregistered donations.”

“Sirius Corporation now has a presence in the Sharru Sector FW-W c1-19 system. This suggests disturbing parallels with the company’s recent dealings to help build Archon Delaine’s new starports. The question is – what did Mahon promise in return?”

A statement from the Office of the Prime Minister clarified that Sirius Corporation was one of many companies currently partnered with the Alliance to support its expansion programme. It did not address the discrepancy in tritium deliveries or refer to any contributions from the megacorp.

Electoral Reform Proposed for the Alliance

Councillor Nakato Kaine has suggested that the Alliance’s current electoral system should be replaced by direct public voting.

The proposal follows a recent election where Prime Minister Edmund Mahon was reinstated for a second six-year term.

Addressing the Alliance Assembly, Councillor Kaine said:

“Only allowing council members to choose the prime minister is a flawed system, vulnerable to corruption and outside influence. The people of the Alliance should have a direct mandate to determine their leader by casting individual votes.”

Political journalist Vanya Driscoll reported for The Alliance Tribune:

“Although Kaine stopped short of claiming that Mahon’s victory was achieved fraudulently, the Assembly took a dim view of this attempt at electoral overhaul. Some council members accused her of failing to accept that her policies received considerably less support than those of her rival.”

“Despite this, a few accepted that there could be merit in such a restructure. However, organising public voting across all Alliance systems would be much harder than in democracies with a more established infrastructure, such as the Federation, or that have smaller populations, such as the Marlinist Colonies.”

Tritium Mining Campaign Boosts Alliance Expansion

*Pilots Federation ALERT*

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon’s request for mined tritium has concluded, paving the way for new Alliance starports.

Large quantities of tritium were delivered, which will provide fuel for a civil infrastructure programme designed to increase the Alliance’s presence.

As part of this expansion, new Alliance starports will be constructed in these systems by the 25th of June 3307:

LHS 2522

Sharru Sector FW-W c1-19

Prime Minister Mahon, who was recently re-elected by the Assembly, told the media:

“The economy of the Alliance will benefit greatly from investment in expansion. These new stations will provide more opportunities for individuals and corporations alike.”

Pilots who mined and delivered tritium can now collect their rewards from Dublin Citadel in the Gateway system.