Logbook entry

Author Post: Life is Roadblocks

02 Aug 2023Ember Lacson
No RP from me today; I just wanted to say that I'm still alive. I haven't played in a few months. I forgot to check my carrier balance, and then I saw a post on Reddit about another CMDR whose carrier was decommissioned because real life got in the way, and when I logged on to check mine I was in the hole bigtime. I threw a few hundred million in the till but I haven't logged on since.

TBH I've hit another patch where I have only minimal desire to play E:D. I still call it my favorite game, but TBH I just don't have the energy. I've played some other games in the meantime, but I had a 5+ week bout of bronchitis that totally eradicated any desire to do anything but sleep. I'm burnt out at work, stressed about money, and desperate to move out of my parents' shop. But I feel like Sisyphus right now.

Ember and Nicole's anniversary has come and gone. I don't think I've scanned anything as Ember, and I haven't cashed in Nicole's credits. She's rich enough for a couple nice ships, but she's no billionaire. My writing energy has been focused on my original fantasy project, the Morning Star Chronicles, and I've been loving the new plot lines and character development that this rewrite has produced. But all the other projects and games and self improvement that I've been doing have taken away all my energy to play Elite.

Now that Update 16 is here and I've gone an entire major update without taking off, I kind of want to get back in, if for no other reason than to spend some time playing this game I love so much. I got a WarBRD-D base from VIRPIL, and I'm eager to try it out, but I have to redo all my mappings in Joystick Gremlin. It's rewarding when you're finished, but it's a mind numbing time sink to actually plot things out.

Maybe I'll reclaim my energy at some point when I can take some extra time off work and be more intentional about how I spend my time. I will be planning a trip soon to scout a potential new city to live in, but it won't be for a couple months. I'm so sick of being burnt out and my team being short staffed.

Stay safe out there and don't get your organs harvested by the bugs. Glory to mankind. o7
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