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Unholy Trinity

04 Jun 2020Tharik Otoli
The Adventures of Prince Tharik Otoli: Space Pirate

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The coastal city of Nouvella Ile de la Tortue, also known as New Tortuga, was set aside a shimmering blood-red sea. The color of the ocean was due to the biochemistry of the marine flora and fauna as well as the setting orange Type-K star. It was a tropical climate as the city was close to Waterloo's equator, but fortunately for denizens and sojourners alike, the many bars and bordellos provided ample respite from the oppressive temperatures.

Until very recently, comparatively speaking, the Riedquat system had remained in a state of Anarchy for centuries and New Tortuga had served as a pirate haven for nearly as long. Not far from the starport, down near the shoreline, on the first floor of one of the still-standing skyscrapers, Ye Olde Watering Hole was a local favorite. Entering the infamous establishment one would find a rowdy collection of characters, many of whom were wanted in multiple systems. Upon the walls were hung all manner of trophies: weapons, both modern and archaic, and even an assortment of skulls, some human, others beasts from a variety of worlds. This day, the tavern was full as the patrons were celebrating the recent victory of The Code over Riedquat Corporation, an ambitious Federal corporation that had managed to bring some measure of order to the system of late, order which had just been upturned. The sound of a time-worn shanty, the origins of which remained a mystery - though it was rumored to have been a favorite of the historic Earth sea-pirate, Captain Walt Disney - echoed through the alehouse.

Maraud and embezzle, and even high-jack
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me...

In dark, semi-private booth sat Commander Rei Hino, also known as Mars, inter-system criminal, smuggler, space-pirate, cell-leader of the fabled Spice-Smugglers and - though it was only known to a few, among them, our hero, Captain Commander Prince Tharik Otoli - once an Imperial Space Marine. She lustfully engulfed an entire pint of the local brew, slammed the mug onto the table and tossed her dark locks back exclaiming, "...remember? While we were pinned down behind that bar, amid all that gunfire, Jubei was fighting that Corporate goon with a sword! A frackin' SWORD!"

Prince Tharik Otoli, the Bane of Maia, laughed, "certainly I remember, how could I forget The Starbomb, we were all lucky to survive. Oh, how I have missed you Rei." Tharik smiled and looked longingly at Commander Hino, it was ancient history now - even long before The Starbomb and Maia - but they still did have history.

Mars blinked, paused briefly, and smiled back, "Certainly you have, and how is Lady Electra Otoli and your boys??"

Tharik blushed and found it necessary to loosen his silver Vidavantian Lace ascot as he stammered, "...I uh, I didn't mean..."

"Oh Tharik, you are too easy," chuckled Mars, "What of Jubei? Have you heard from him of late?"

While Commander Hino was speaking a man had slowly approached the table. The shadowy figure was wearing dark red body armor covered in various gashes and marks, black slacks, and dark leather boots. Hanging from his belt was a classical weapon, a short, stout, single-edged blade that served as an auxiliary to its larger cousin strapped to the man's back. An automatic pistol was in a holster on his hip opposite the smaller blade. A dark hooded cloak was draped over his armor and concealed his face.

Tharik took note of the man right away but was not ill at ease in the slightest as he was expecting the visit. He seemingly ignored Commander Hino's question, "Rei, I would actually like to introduce you to the ablest and most valuable member of my crew, my Quartermaster." Tharik motioned toward the new arrival.

Mars stood as the man removed his hood, "Jubei? JUBEI!" She threw her arms around him, "It's been so long!" Lord Jubei Himura of the Hattori Clan, formerly Grand Scribe Inquisitor of The Chapterhouse and now the most feared member of the valiant crew of the Justicar embraced his old comrade and replied, "I've missed you too Rei. Come, let's sit, we have much to discuss, isn't that right Tharik?"

Tharik nodded, "Indeed we do, Rei, have you ever heard of a man who calls himself Iron?"
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